Second Semester

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A/N: remember 2 chapters ago when I said I was going to do some time skipping?

well last chapter the setting was in late August of 2010

now the setting is January 6, 2011

so please enjoy! x



Liam's POV

*beep* *beep* *beep* *beep*

I groaned and got up. Christmas break was officially over. My phone buzzed. I opened my messages.

Nate: good morning Li baby x

Did I mention that Nate and I have been dating for 3 months?

Well it's true. Nate asked me to be his boyfriend on August 29, 2010.

I replied with:

Me: morning Natey boo x

I climbed out of bed so I could turn off my alarm clock. Almost forgot that it was still beeping.

After putting my phone on the charger, I went to get dressed and eat breakfast.

*skipping the part where Liam gets dressed*

I finished my breakfast and I packed my stuff so I could head to school, even though I really don't want to.


*First Block*

"Good morning." My new 1st block teacher, Ms. Jean, said. "Welcome to Drivers' Ed." I was glad that I had this class with Nate & Lacey.

"In this class, you will learn more than the basics of driving. You will also learn the rules of the road and defensive driving habits. Now I want the first person in each row to pass these forms to the people in their row."

Luckily, I was the second person in my row so I didn't have to worry about that.

The girl who sat in front of me, Sara I think her name was, passed the papers to me. I took one and passed it back. Drivers' ed was like this for the rest of class.

*2nd block*

"Good morning everybody and welcome to Bowling." Coach Allen said. Richard, Gavin and I were standing next to each other. "In this class, we will go down to the bowling alley and bowl, of course."

Thanks captain obvious, I thought to myself.

"Whenever we are not bowling, like when I have a sub, you will be in here working on something from another class. Cell phones are allowed in this class. However, if they become a problem, you will lose that privilege. Does everybody understand?" Coach Allen asked. There was a mix of "Yes Coach." and "Yes sir."

"Now everyone go to the table and get the permission slip to take home so your parents can sign it." Coach Allen said.

That's when everyone decided to run towards the table at the same time. Richard, Gavin and I waited until everyone else had gotten theirs to get the permission slip.

After this, Coach Allen had us do an activity where we all got to know each other since he said we won't go to the bowling alley until Monday.

How great is that?

A/N: hello everyone!!

just wanted to say thank you for 1k reads 🎉

now can we get 100 votes on this story? (come on guys we're only 8 votes away)

I believe in y'all!!!

c ya next week ✌️


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