The Last First Day of School

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Liam's POV


My wonderful alarm clock woke me up at 7 am. Then I realized that today was the first day of senior year. Oh joy. Another year of dealing with those pricks at school. I thought to myself. Ever since the second grade, I've been bullied. I never knew the reason why I was bullied, though. Either way, it sucks. I turned my alarm clock off and went back to sleep.

"LIAM!" My mom screamed at me. She scared me so badly, I fell out of bed. "Mom! You scared the crap out of me!" I said. "Good cause you're late for school!" Mom pointed at the clock. School stars at 8:30 am. The clock read 8:35 am. Oh my God! I'm late for my last first day of school! I thought to myself. I jumped up and quickly got dressed. I combed my hair and went to get my breakfast. "Breakfast is packed, Liam. Now get your toothbrush, pack your stuff and go to school!" Mom nagged me. I hate it when she does that.

I packed all my stuff in the truck my dad got me last year on my birthday and drove off to school. I was not looking forward to see my classmates. They had no idea that I was gay and I'm determined to keep it that way.

I parked my truck in the parking lot behind the cafeteria. I gathered all of my belongings and quickly walked towards the front office. No one was outside in the courtyard, of course. I was nearly at the double doors when I saw two people eating each others' faces off. They were Sandy Taylor and Sam Sawyer. Sandy Taylor was the head cheerleader. She had blonde hair with blue eyes. Sandy was about 5'4" while Sam, the captain of the football team, was 6'0". Sam Sawyer had brown hair with blue eyes. I hated Sam. He and his friends bullied me ever since seventh grade. Seventh grade was when the bullying had gotten even worse. I didn't think that was possible, but unfortunately, I was wrong.

I quickly walked to the doors when I heard a voice. "Well, well, well. Look who it is." Sam. Him again? My gut asked. I turned around. "What?" "Where you been? Mr. McGraw marked you absent." Sam said. I forgot where we had the same TA. "What's it to you?" I spit at Sam. "Just asking, man." Sam said while raising his hands in the air. I raised an eyebrow. "Are you sick cause you've never been nice to me." "Obviously not now go to class." Sandy snapped at me. I had forgotten she was still there. "Shut up Taylor." I snapped back and walked inside the building.

Sandy's POV

"Did that son of a bitch just snap at my girlfriend?!" Sam was pissed. All he was trying to do was make amends with Liam so he would vote for Sam for senior class president. "No der babe." I said to Sam. "I'll kick his ass later. Right now I just wanna finish what we started." Sam stated. "Me too." I gave Sam a wink. Then he crashed his lips against mine. Our lips connected with each others perfectly so it was always magic when we kissed. Soon kissing led to making out. Sam and I didn't care who watched. We would just put on a show. Then I felt Sam put his chest against mine. I adored Sam's tanned abs. They were perfect for feeling. I then rocked my hips into Sam's and felt his bulge grow bigger. We need to go to a janitor's closet. I thought.

As soon as I jumped on Sam, the bell rang. Shit. I thought. "Gotta go, babe." I jumped off of Sam. "Love you." Sam kissed my lips and headed towards the gym for football. I pulled out my schedule and looked at it. First block was cheerleading. Yay! I thought to myself. Cheerleading is my life. I've been on the squad since the seventh grade. Everyone knew me as the head cheerleader. I couldn't wait to see my girls again.

Liam's POV

I walked towards my first class, Genetics. The reason I'm taking that class is because I found genetics very easy back in Biology. Plus science is my good subject, so I'm not worried. Before I knew it, I had found my genetics class. Room 116. I was one of the first people to arrive. I put my bookbag across the seat which my best friend, Benny Buxton, was sitting in. Benny had shaggy brown hair with glasses. I had met him in second grade. He was cool to hang out with on the weekends. "What up Liam?" My other best friend, Gerald Gilbert, had called to me. "Hey Gerald. What's goin on?" I asked him. Gerald had brown hair like Benny's except Gerald had a mowhawk. Both Benny and Gerald wore glasses. "Nothing much. I heard that you told Sandy Taylor to shut up this morning." Gerald said. Oh yeah. I did, didn't I?

"Yup." I said. "Nice man." Gerald and I fist bumped. "Yeah. I'm over those preps making fun of me so this year, I'm not gonna let them say crap about me." I said, proud of myself. "Good luck with that." Nick Sanders, Sam's friend, said to me. "What do you want, Nick?" I snarled.

Nick Sanders had dark brown hair and eyes. Nick was one of those preps who bullied me for the last 5 years. "I'm warning you, Payne. That's what you're gonna be feeling if you don't stop snapping at Sandy." Nick said. "Tell Sandy to mind her own business, then." I replied. "Tell her yourself." Nick snapped. I rolled my eyes. Nick Sanders has been, and always will be, a douchebag.

"Welcome to Genetics, everyone." The teacher, Mr. Gill, had walked in class and closed the door. Mr. Gill had been here at school for two years, so this year is his third. I heard that Mr. Gill was very laid-back and didn't give out homework so I'm looking forward to this class. "Listen up for roll!" Mr. Gill called.

"Gillian Anderson!" "Here."
"Michael Arthur!" "Here."
"Sabrina Baker!" "Here."
"Jessica Bryant!" "Here."
"Tony Buxton!" "Here."
"Kyle Byrd!" "Here."
"Lindsay Collings!" "Here."
"Nikki Colt!" "Here."
"Veronica Daniels!" "Here."
"Colton Dixon!" "Here."
"Xaiver Edmonds!" "Here."
"Zoe Edwards!" Mr. Gill said 'Zo' instead of "Zoey."
Zoe raised her hand. "Mr. Gill, my name is pronounced 'Zo-ee.'" Mr. Gill looked up at her. "Sorry about that. I'll learn it."

"Anna Gilbert!" "Here."
"Daniel Green!" "Here."
"Fran Harris!" "Here."
"Quincy Harris!" "Here."
"Wendy Irwing!" "Here."
"Edward James!" "Here."
"Harry James!" "Here."
"Randy Jones!" "Here."
"Yvonne Kennedy!" "Here."
"Ilsa Landry!" "Here."
"Oscar Lee!" "Here."
"Patrick Lewis!" "Sir, I go by PJ." Mr. Gill looked up. "Pardon?" "I go by PJ, Mr. Gill." PJ said. "I'll write that down right now." Mr. Gill said.

Mr. Gill kept calling out names until he said:

"Liam Payne!" "I'm here, sir." I said. "Liam, is your mother, Karen Payne?" Mr. Gill asked me. "Yes sir." I replied. "Well we went to college together, so could you tell her I said 'hello?'" Mr. Gill asked. "Sure." I said. I heard Nick snicker. "Your teacher knows your mom." He said. Oh joy. This is going to be a long 9 weeks. I thought to myself.

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