First Day of College

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Liam's POV

*A week later*

Beep. Beep. Beep.

I woke up. The sun was in my eyes so it was hard to see my dorm room.

My dorm room was covered in posters of my favorite celebrities like Justin Timberlake and Barry White. My new roommate, Louis, didn't seem to mind at all.

Louis Tomlinson, my roommate and my new crush, is a short yet lovable guy with shaggy brown hair and light blue eyes. Last Wednesday, when he moved in with me, Louis introduced himself and wanted to get to know me.

So I told him about my life and everything I've been through. Lou felt sorry for me. When he asked me why I got bullied, I was a little reluctant to tell him why but I did anyway. There was something about Louis that made me trust him.

Fortunately, Louis accepted me who I am. That gave him the courage to tell me that he is bisexual. Lou also took the opportunity to flirt with me some. He did tell me that he liked me so I know that there's a chance that we may date, and that makes me happy.

With Louis in my mind, I got ready for my first day as a college freshman.


"Good morning, class. Welcome to Intermediate Algebra. My name is Professor Jonas." A middle aged man with curly brown hair said to us. I couldn't help but wonder if he was related to the Jonas Brothers.

A girl raised her hand. "Yes ma'am?" Prof Jonas asked. "Are you related to the Jonas Brothers?" The girl asked.

Me and a group of guys all turned to look at her. We couldn't believe that she had the nerve to ask that.

"No, Miss.... Wall." Professor Jonas turned around and started writing on the board.

"Anyway class. Today I will be giving you a list of the supplies you'll need to pass this class." Prof Jonas passed out a list to the first person in every row.

I sighed. I knew that the rest of class was gonna be long.

*skipping to second block*

My next class was English. Louis had that class with me so that made me happy. Class was about to start when we all heard a gunshot go off.

A/N: happy Black Friday guys!

so did you guys stuff yourselves with turkey last night?

I certainly did 😋

say if you're going Black Friday shopping, then please be careful

I went last year and it was pretty crazy

on that note, have a good day!


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