The Change

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A/N: 4 more chapters left omfg! & the epilogue, of course. Can't forget that 😋

Louis' POV

*Halloween 2011*

Ever since my chat with Coach Hall, my English grade has improved. All thanks to Adam and his girlfriend, Leigh-Anne Pinnock. Like Liam, she is majoring in music and out of school, Leigh's in a girl group with her friends called Rhythmix. Speaking of my Li Li, I wonder how he's doing.

Liam's POV (anyone miss this POV?)

"Bye Mum. Love you." I kissed her on the cheek and headed out the door. Since Professor Williams canceled my first class, I had some time to go to the store and buy a few things for Mum. After parking my car, I decided to text Louis and see how he's doing.

LP - Liam

LT - Louis

LP: hey Lou. I miss you x

LT: I miss you babe. Aren't you supposed to be in class rn?

LP: no my first class got cancelled.

LT: mine did too. Now I can study for my English test.

LP: good luck babe. I believe in you xx

LT: thank you baby. What are you up to?

LP: I'm at the store to buy some things for my mum.

LT: don't let me stop you from doing what you need to do.

Then I got a text from my mum.

M - Mum

L - Liam

M: Liam what's taking you so long?

L: sorry Mum. long line in the checkout aisle.

*skipping that part*

"Is everything ready for tonight?" Mum asked me. She was dressed as a witch for Halloween while I was Batman. Louis had sent me a photo of himself dressed as Galinda from the musical "Wicked." (A/N: picture in the sidebar)

Me and my mum were gonna pass out candy to the kids while Lou was going to a Halloween party with his friends. I wish I could go to Halloween parties but all my friends don't live here anymore.

"Trick or treat!" A little boy with brown hair came dressed as Shaggy from Scooby Doo, Where Are You? "Hey there, Shaggy. Where's Scooby Doo?" Then I heard a "woof woof." I saw that Scooby was behind Shaggy. "Oh there you are, Scoob. I don't have any Scooby Snax but I do have candy." I told him. "That'll work." Shaggy said.

So I gave both of them some candy. "Thanks Batman." Shaggy said, walking away. "You're very welcome." I waved goodbye to them. About 30 seconds later, the Powerpuff Girls came to the front door and said "Trick or Treat!" at the same time. "Hey girls. Here's some candy for Blossom, Bubbles & Buttercup." "Thank you Batman." They said at the same time. "Up, up and away!"

8:30 pm

"Mom do we have anymore candy?" I called from outside. "One more bag." She said, opening it and pouring the candy into the bowl. "Liam, could you come help me for a moment?" "Sure. I'll be right back, kids. The candy bowl will be on the chair. Happy Halloween!" "Happy Halloween, Batman!" They said, running towards the bowl.

Louis' POV

"Nice one, mate." I said to Josh as he sat down on the couch. Josh and Adam had been playing beer pong for the last 30 minutes and so far, both teams were tied. It went on for 15 more minutes until Josh and his team won. "We won, Louis!" "I know. Congrats." I smiled at him. Then Josh said, "Louis can I tell you something?" "Of course." "I want you."

A/N: holy cliffhanger! (This is my attempt to be funny, btw)

It's that time again.... #TogetherForeverFridays

Have a great weekend 💜

-Sheri 💕

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