Broken Promise 💔

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"Ace I have to help Thatch cook for tonight..." I try to walk to the kitchen, with Ace hanging off me.

"Nooo... You're mine! We haven't seen each other and you're going to spent time with Thatch?"

"I help out in the kitchen. Do you want food or not?"

"Thatch use to cooking on his own. Leave him to do it."

I tap him with the spear, "Ace let me go. Otherwise, you're not getting a 'treat' tonight."

He lets go and stands up, "treat you say ~ What kind of treat were you thinking?"

"Nothing at the moment cause you won't let me go."

"Come on, you can't do that. I've missed you..."

"I've missed you too, but I need to help Thatch. It'll be worth it, I promise ~" He hugs, nibbles my neck. "Mmmm ~"

"Better be, if not you're in trouble."

I lean back and kiss him, "it will be. How about I make you some Bhut jolokia pepperoncini?"


"Hehe, I'll see you soon."

"You better be ready tonight. See you later."

My sexy hot head ~


"Thatch do you know what Devil Fruit you got?" Ask while cutting some meat.

"Nope, I have no idea."

"It doesn't look too bad, it's got a nice colour. Do you want to give up being able to swim?"

"That's what I'm thinking about. Then I have Sea-Prism Stone."

"Haha, yeah you'll be the next victim of random pokes."

"Hahaha, I'll be right thanks."

We go back to cooking, I wonder if he'll eat it.


I finish making Ace's Bhut jolokia pepperoncini. This time I made extra, for added energy ~ "Thatch I'm just ducking to my room for a second."

"Going for a quick 'snack'?"

"Ha ha ha, funny. That's not a bad idea, but I want more than just a snack. But no, I'm going to get that the spider. For nostalgia purposes, haha."

He laughs, "I'll leave Ace's for you to take."

"Thank you ~"

I race down to our room and grab the spider. "I'll get in trouble, it'll be worth it." As I go to open the door, I can hear someone talking. I recognise it as Teach, press my ear to the door. Try and listen better.

"What # it's # Devil Fruit?"

Devil Fruit? Does he mean Thatch's? Wasn't there a rule, only the finder can eat it? Sounds like he walks past the door. I wait for the footsteps to go before I open the door. I stick my head out, check the hallway. It's clear, step out quietly walk down the hall. Trying to listen out for him, I can't hear anything. I'm able to make it back to the kitchen, not seeing him. I grab Ace's plate and make my way out.

"Where were you?" Ace pulls me into his lap.

"Nowhere ~ Here's your Bhut jolokia pepperoncini like I said." I place the plate in front of him.

His hand cups my butt feels the spider and pulls it out. "Nowhere huh?"

I try to look innocent, "how did that get there?"

"Mmmm..." He pockets it.

"No, fun..." I pout at him.

"You won't be making that face tonight."

[ON HOLD] Nightingale - Portgas D. Ace x Reader (One Piece)Where stories live. Discover now