I'm Looking For Ace! ♠️

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"WHAT?! You knew Ace was going after Teach you didn't stop him?! WHAT THE FUCK!"

"(Y/N) we tried, he wouldn't listen. There was nothing we could do-yoi."

"What about knocking him out? Drag him to our room! Put sea prism stone cuffs on him! Something! He's going to get hurt or worse! Ow!" My chest started to hurt.

"Don't strain yourself (Y/N)." Thatch gently pushes me back. "You know what Ace is like."


"(Y/N), he wasn't thinking straight. When I told him-yoi..." He trails off.

"Told him what?"

"It took us hours to stabilise you, even after I wasn't sure if you were going to make it. If you did, I had to put you in an induced coma. Even then you weren't going to come out of it-yoi."

"You told him I wouldn't come out it? What did he say?"

"Not much, other than he should of listen to you, he fucked up. And he was going to kill Teach. (Y/N), Ace was really messed up-yoi."

Poor Ace... He probably feels like shit.

"(Y/N) you need to rest, Ace will fine." Thatch places his hand on mine.

"Okay, what about you? What if the same thing happens to Ace to what happens to us?" I sit back up, they both push me back.

Thatch looks away, "(Y/N)..."

"No, Ace either comes back or we help him!"

"There's no use, Ace will only push us away. Pops said he's going to take care of Teach-yoi.

"It's best that you stay here and recover."

I start pulling the cables and the oxygen mask off. "Oi oi! What are you doing-yoi?"

I swing my legs over the edge. "I'm going to go find Ace, stop him. I'm not letting him do this alone." I try to stand, my legs feel like jelly.

"You're not going anywhere like that." Thatch helps me back on the bed.

"Soon as I can walk, I'm gone."

"It's going to be a while, you were out for six months-yoi."

"I'll be out of this bed in a week. I can't waste any more time."

"You're going to take a bit more than a week."

"We'll see..."

- Time Skip A Week -

My bag packed, I head out to the deck.

Thatch comes running up to me. "(Y/N), you need to stay here. You haven't fully recovered yet."

"Thatch is right, (Y/N). You've only woken up, you can't leave." Haruta rushes over.

I reach the deck, see Pops he's standing up. "(Y/N) you can't leave."

I walk up to Pops. "I'm sorry Pops, but I have to go. I can't let Ace do this on his own."

He slams his spear on the deck, there's a slight rumble throughout the ship. "I forbid you from leaving."

I breathe out, "I'm really sorry Pops. I promise I'll call let you know what's happening. Goodbye," my wings unfold and I fly off into the sky.

I hear Pops yelling out to me, so are a few others. I can't let Ace face Teach alone. I have to find out where they've been. But I have no idea where to start. Guess I'll fly to the closest island and start there.


It took half the day to get there. I land, my wings disappear. "I'll look for the tavern and see what I can find out."

I find my way to the tavern, sit at the bar. "What can I get for you Darl?" A waitress comes over.

"A glass of water and a sandwich please."

"Coming right up," she walks off.

I listen to the chatter around me. No word of Ace or Teach, how am I going to find them.

"I haven't seen that jolly roger for while." She places down glass and plate.

Shit, I forgot my gloves, I rub my thumb over it. "Hehe, the captain of the Spade Pirates, Portgas. D Ace."

"So you two are together?"

"Yes, we are. We've been together for a year now."

"Oh, so are you part of the Whitebeard Pirates, then?"

"Sure am I, I'm the first daughter." Hopefully, she tells people. And my name gets out there, Ace hears about it. Then he knows I'm alive and looking for him.

"If you're looking for him, he passed through here about three months ago."

Yes! "Did he say where he was going?"

"No, he didn't sorry." Damn... "He did ask if someone I think called Teach had passed through."

"Yes, Teach we're looking for him. He's a part of the crew. He just up and disappeared. We want to make sure he's okay." Then I'll kill the bastard! Then I'll wack Ace for going on his own.

"I think I saw him. I wasn't too sure sorry."

"No, it's fine. Anything information good."

"I told him, I think I saw him about a month before him. So seven months ago, he was sitting in a corner I think. He didn't order much, after he was done he left."

"Didn't say where he was going?"

"No, sorry Darl. Oh if you excuse me I have customers to service."

"That's fine, thank you."

Damn, I thought I had a lead. Seems I'll have to fly to the next island and test my luck there.

"Hey, Girlie!"

"Huh? Who me?" An old man come over sits next to me.

"You looking for your boyfriend? Portgas D. Ace?"

"Sure am, looking to meet up with him."

"I heard he's making his way to some kind of desert."

"Desert? Do you know whereabouts?"

"No, sorry I don't."

"It's okay, thank you for telling me."

He nods and leaves. At least now I gave a rough idea of where I'm going. To some desert... I'll fly to the next island and see what I can find out. I just hope I find him soon.

[ON HOLD] Nightingale - Portgas D. Ace x Reader (One Piece)Where stories live. Discover now