Hello Little Brother 👒

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You make your way towards Luffy. As you make your way to him. The soldiers start backing up. "Something about to happen, I better get to Luffy quick." You keep making your way to him, avoiding bullets. The cannons have ceased fire at you.

Another soldier comes running up to the platform. "Fleet Admiral Sengoku! Pirates of the New World changed their moves!"

"Yeah, they turn to the left and right."

"They've started attacking Navy ships!"

"Fleet Admiral Sengoku."

Sengoku looks back at the Captain. "She's an enemy to the Navy."

"Yes, Fleet Admiral Sengoku." He walks back down the stairs. "I will kill you for what you did to me. You're as flirthy blooded as the Pirate King's son."

"Good guess! Whitebeard must of sensed it." Grap watches on.

"He didn't fall for that cheap trick. Maybe it was a bit too lame. But he can't prevent a thing just by sensing it!"

You land on the battlefield, soldiers rush you. You hold your spear firmly. "I just need to make my way to Luffy. We can go save Ace. Last I saw he was still with that group."

"Kill the trailor!" A soldier brings down his sword.

You jump back and slash him. "Get out of my way! I need to get to my little brother!" You look around you spot Luffy. "LUFFY!" You call out to him, but he didn't hear you. "I have to get to Luffy." You make your way through to him, cutting down soldiers as you go.

Luffy keeps fighting, knocking them down one after the other. More keep coming.

"Death Wink!" Ivan lands behind Luffy, "heehaw!"

Luffy looks back at Ivan.

"Ivan-sama, you're right!"

"Ivan-chan, I wanna clear the way to Ace! Jimbei!"

Jimbei turns to him, more soldiers charge over to him. "Fish-Man Karate!'



"5000 Brick Fist!" - "... Wink!" - Bazooka!" The three clear the way.

Fortunately your way to! "Fuck yes! I can get to Luffy now!" You run over to Luffy.

"Advance!" Ivan yells.

"Ace!" Luffy yells charging forward, everyone behind.

Moria laughs, " Straw Hat! I won't let you get through!"


"You've got me to fight me, Moria!" Jimbei yells out.


"I can handle you on my own, Moria!"

Moria looks over to Jimbei. "You wanna fight me, Jimbei? Alright! I have to get rid of you in order to use zombie soldiers!"

"Go ahead, Luffy-kun! Don't waste any time!"

"Thanks, Jimbei!" Luffy keeps running.

"LUFFY!!" You call out to him waving.

Luffy looks at you confused. He sees Ace's jolly roger.

You join him, "hi I'm (Y/N). I'm Ace's girlfriend. He's told me a lot about you ~ Nice hat!"

"You here to save Ace?"

"Yes! I want to get Ace back if we can get a clear path. I can fly you up to the platform."


Soldiers keep coming, you slash at them. Keep running forward. Ivan was out in front, kicking a soldier back. Three soldiers come at you and Luffy.

[ON HOLD] Nightingale - Portgas D. Ace x Reader (One Piece)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora