Where's Ace? ♠️

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It was the next day about lunchtime. Ace was out of the deck, waiting to hear if you survive the night. He hardly got any sleep, soon as he laid on the bed. All he could smell was you, he never notices the room smelled so much like you. It was the reason why he left the room. He hated he couldn't hold you.

Marco had heard Ace was out on the deck. He made his way to him, saw that was leaning on the railing. He leans back on the railing, "you want the bad news or the bad news-yoi?"

Ace drops his head, "there's no good news?"

"Depends how you see it I guess-yoi."

"Is (Y/N) alive?"

"... For the moment-yoi..."

Ace turned to face him, "what do you mean for the moment?!"

"She stable, as to whether or not she makes it through the coming hours. You found (Y/N) over Thatch's body-yoi?"



"What do you mean hmm? Tell me what's going on!"

"Thatch was slashed across the chest and shot in the stomach. I'm guessing Thatch went down before her. She went to protect him, Teach shot her. Through the back and the chest. The chest one got her heart-yoi."


"If he got shot once more, he would have died. But in doing that, she's also at risk of dying. The one in the heart, well. It's what took so long, we kept losing her. Each time we got her stable, we would start to lose her-yoi."

"So what's the bad news...?"

"She's in an induced coma... May not come out of it-yoi."

Ace drops to the deck, "I should of listen to her... I fucked up... Now... She's..."

"As I said, bad news and bad news. If you want more, someone going to have to tell Shanks about this-yoi."

Ace pulls his legs in, put his head down. He was muttering to himself.

Marco looks down at him, there was no way he could sugar coat your condition. There were times, he thought it was your time. Your body had made its choice to leave this world. You were part of the crew, his little sister. He couldn't just let you go. Thatch... Thatch was about the same, they lost him a few times. But he would stabilise much quicker than you. Didn't need to be in an induced coma.

"I'm going to kill him..." Ace's voice laced with venom, dangerous venom.

Marco was pulled from his thoughts, "don't worry about Teach for now. We'll find him, you should be by (Y/N)'s side-yoi."

"No, I'm going to go find him and kill the bastard." Ace stood up made his way to your room.

"Oi oi! Ace you can't leave (Y/N) like this-yoi." Marco went after him.

"You said (Y/N) in a induce coma, right?"

"Yes, but you should be by her side. Not chasing Teach-yoi."

"I'm going after him, no one stopping me." He walks into the room, slams the door shut.

"Fuching hell Ace... You should be with (Y/N)-yoi." He went to Pops to see if he could talk some sense into Ace.

Ace started packing his bag, getting everything he would need to find Teach. Once he was finished packing, he was ready to go. A photo caught his eye, as he was about to walk out. "I'm sorry (Y/N)."

He looks to the desk, sat down started writing a letter. He finishes, "in case you wake up."

He left the room headed, to the infirmary. He stood at the door, he could hear machines working, beeping. He wanted to see you and Thatch before he left. Same time didn't want to see you both hooked up to the machines.

[ON HOLD] Nightingale - Portgas D. Ace x Reader (One Piece)Where stories live. Discover now