Uncle Mihawk 🗡

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I just got to hope that Luffy gets to Ace's quickly. I'll have some strength.

"We'll get this guy Ace's Girl!" Two of them come running up from behind me.

"No! Wait!"

"'Hawk-Eye,' do you remember us?!"

"We're the guys who challenged you once! But now we're powered up as New Kamas!"

Uncle Mihawk cuts them like they were nothing...

"I don't remember the face of every worm." He looks off to the side.

"What are you doing? Mihawk?!" I take a look, he's aiming for Luffy!

He slices down, there's a ringing flash of green.

"LUFFY!? LOOK OUT!?" You can do that (Y/N). You've watched Dad and Uncle Mihawk fight once. No, I've watched Pops fight!

I slam the end of the spear down, and a flash of (F/C) races towards Mihawk's.

"Good," it still hits Luffy. "Not good enough."

Luffy flies into a wall, "Luffy!?"

Jimbei walks in front of Uncle Mihawk. "Only Ace-san's brother could avoid getting a fatal wound like that." He looks at Uncle Mihawk.

"'First Son of the Sea' Jimbei!"

"I won't let you so much as touch Luffy-Kun or (Y/N)-chan again! Even if it means death!"


"Why are you doing this?"

"I want to rescue Ace-san! For one reason, to save our sea! It is too late to stop this war now but we still have hope. Namely, Luffy-kun over there. (Y/N)-chan go help Luffy-Kun."

"Okay, be careful Jimbei." I head towards Luffy. I really miss the blade this time.

Running to slow! I'll have to fly - I hear ice smashing. "That didn't last long..." Uncle Mihawk will be coming after us now. I have to hurry, I stretch my wings. Quickly fly to Luffy, I just have to stay low. I look up, and Uncle Mihawk already going for Luffy.


Uncle Mihawk pierces the ground. Luffy just get out of the way in time.


"GET OUT OF MY WAY! SLICING WIND!" I slice through the air, they fall to the ground. Luffy is not to far now, "LUFFY!"

"You bastard! Gum-Gum... Jet Bazoo!"

"No, Luffy! Stop!"

He stops his attack and smashes the ice. Did he listen? Or did he see what was going to happen?

I land next to him, "you okay Luffy?"

"That was close! If I had reached out, my arms would've been severed!"

Did Luffy use Observation Haki?

"You could be level-headed." He pulls back his sword.

"Luffy get down," I push Luffy down to the ground. We just miss the blade.

Uncle Mihawk slice through the frozen wave. Dad and Uncle Mihawk fought for fun... Well, Dad did...

The ice breaks up apart in the air. Bits of ice land everywhere, sea, land, ships.

"Luffy we need to move now!" I pull him up, "we need to go!"


Uncle Mihawk not going to give though. I can't let Luffy die. I grab his hand, "RUN!?" I pull him along. "Just keep running Luffy!"

[ON HOLD] Nightingale - Portgas D. Ace x Reader (One Piece)Where stories live. Discover now