Hot Springs ♨️

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"You won't tell anyone will you?"


"Thank you." She gave me a quick kiss on the cheek and dashed out the door. I smile and walk out after her. Now I need to know who's a mark on her hand.

- (Y/N) -

Now been a week since I became a pirate, have to say it's much better than being a marine. We still haven't made land. I'm still wearing the clothes I have and Ace's shirts. His shirts smell just like him. Today's shirt is a red button-up, had to wear my skirt.

"I'm amazed someone so beautiful as yourself, can pull a shirt off as a dress, top and a skirt." Izo joins me at the rail.

"Haha, thanks Izo. I make do with what I've got."

"But why Ace's shirts? Don't they smell?"

"That's mean, haha. No, they don't, anyway Ace doesn't wear them." But they do smell, like him.

"You must let me dress you one day. I think you'll look gorgeous in a kimono."

I've never worn a kimono before, "yeah let's do it."

"W-what now?"

"Yeah, I'm not doing anything, unless you're busy?"

"N-no I'm not."

"Let's go then." I smile, grab his hand pull him along.

"Hold up you two-yoi." Macro stopping us in our track.

"What's up Marco?" I ask

"We're going to see land soon."

"And?" Izo asks

"Pops taking us to the hot springs."

My eyes light up, "me too?!"


I start jumping around like a child, I've never been to a hot spring before.

"I take it you just told her where we're going." Ace walks up.

"We're going to the hot springs!!" I shouted, and dance around.

- Ace -

I've been thinking about what (Y/N) said. Decided I'll talk to Pops about it, thankfully he's still in his quarters.

Knock on the door and wait. "Come in."

Pops turns around in his chair. "Ace I thought you would be chasing after (Y/N), gurararara."

I glare at Pops, he was right... In a way... "Do you know anything about 'The Lovebirds'?"

"Arr, so she told you."

"Wait... You know?" But how?

"Gurararara, yes I've always known. Did you know before Roger died there was a girl on his ship?"

Just hearing his name makes my blood boil. "I'm out."

"Ace wait," I stop in my tracks. "I know you hate your father, but you need to listen."

My fist clenched, I don't want to hear about him. But if Pops knows about (Y/N)'s mark. "I'm listening."

"(Y/N)'s mother Tisha was on that ship. As her true love was. Before you say anything, no Roger wasn't hers. It was Red Hair Shanks."

"Wait you're telling (Y/N)'s father is Shanks. But she said?" She lied to us!

"I know what she was. If the government found out about her, they'll kill her on the spot."

[ON HOLD] Nightingale - Portgas D. Ace x Reader (One Piece)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora