1: Meet This Dumbass, Mark Lee

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A quiet calm classroom, the teaching however being interrupted every five damn minutes by a young male at the back violently sneezing.

"Mark, if you don't mind, could you please move into the hall."

Mark sighed, books already gathered in his hands as trudged out of the door. He was used to this at this point, happened every damn time he was near the fucking window.

You see, the problem poor innocent Mark Lee had was that he was allergic to sunlight. Not violently enough that he wasn't allowed outside but just enough to be scratching and sneezing all day. It was like a fur allergy, except that the fur was everywhere, constantly. The only safety and tranquillity he had was in his room, windows blacked out and in the darkness, on his phone or writing in his book. But as of right now, the hallway was good enough.

Mark sniffled, itching the base of his neck as he looked through his limited notes for the class. Tough thing about constantly being sent out for his sneezing was that he couldn't learn in a classroom and instead, the boy would have to go home and teach himself everything within the classes. Occasionally the teachers would be nice and help him, he couldn't be more grateful for Mr Seo or Mr Nakamoto, but most of the time he was by himself.

"Sent out again?" A pink haired boy sat beside him, taking a swig from his coffee. Mark assumed it was probably his second one for the day.
"Yeah," Mark huffed, pausing to sneeze again, "this is a fucking nightmare."
"I could only imagine," the boy leaned back on the bench.
"I'm assuming you did something stupid again," Mark laughed.
The boy grinned, "Jaemin is a pain I tell you, he set the table on fire and then I get blamed."
"Rip, dude."
"I dunno what's more impressive, the fact that no one got hurt or the fact that we were in math."

Mark snorted before sighing to himself, "Jaemin's a man of wonders I tell you, I dunno how you deal with all of us, Renjun."
"It really is tough being the last remaining braincell between the five of us," the pink haired boy sighed dramatically. Renjun blinked for a moment before sighing and standing up, brushing his shirt down. "I better head off before Mr Moon comes and beats my ass for leaving," Renjun smiled, waving at Mark before heading back down the hall.

"Ah Mark," Mr Seo peeked his head of the classroom, grinning as he saw his student.
Mark stood up, smiling up at him, "Hi, sir."
Mr Seo poked the student's shoulder with a laugh, "Alright right now, teacher mode off, dude, I'm speaking as Taeyong's friend, yeah?"
Mark sighed in relief, "Oh good. Johnny hyung, I'm dying," Mark collapsed dramatically into Johnny's arms, fake sobbing, "I can't do this shit anymore, man."
Johnny laughed, patting the boy on the back, "I know, I know, I'll send you everything after school and I can walk you through it, I'm coming over anyway."

Mark nodded, slumping further into the elder, "But it's not even like that, I'm so fucking tired dude, It's so damn tiring sneezing and itching all damn day." It really was. The physical energy was draining from him the more he coughed and sneezed throughout the day. It was like being on the borderline of sick 24/7 and he was so close to snapping and taking the rest of his life off school.
"Okay first, teacher mode." Mark stood up straight, face in a polite smile, "yes, sir?"
"No swearing."
"Yes, sir."

"And now back to amazing, incredible, hyung mode," Johnny smiled, "is there any treatment?"
Mark sighed, shaking his head, "I don't think so, I'll just have to like, live in the dark for eternity."
"sounds like Jeno's dream."
"That's cause it," Mark giggled slightly making Johnny snort.

Johnny pursed his lips together, frowning in contemplation for a moment before addressing Mark once again. "Okay, I'll send you the notes and things and then teach it to you after school, okay?"
"Yes, thank you," Mark smiled.
"And stop scratching," Johnny pointed to Mark's wrist.

The boy looked down, his whole lower arm red and raw from his unconscious scratching, the skin on the verge of breaking. Cursing under his breath, Mark pulled his sleeve down, bringing his hands clasped in front of his body, the urge to itch again now crawling on his arms and legs.

"Mark!" Mr Lee came jogging down to him from the end of the hall.
"Teacher mode?" Mark asked silently to which Mr Lee nodded.
"Hi, Sir" Mark bowed politely, a weird gesture to do towards his brother but alas, he must actually respect him in this instance.
"I need your assistance, there's a new student that needs to be shown around and luckily for you he shares most of your classes," Mr Lee smiled, "so I need you and either Jaemin or Renjun to show him around."
"Okay, no problem," Mark nodded, "what's his name?"
"Donghyuck, but listed as having a preferred name of Haechan," Mr Lee responded before leaning forward, "and he's kinda pretty, so go get some."
Mark groaned, smacking the elder's chest, "shut the fuck up, I don't need no man."
"Mm sure," Taeyong smirked, straightening up, "that's all I needed, so now go back to your problems." The elder waved dismissively, turning on his heels and strutting back down the hall.

Johnny and Mark watched in silence as the teacher went back to his office, eyes following in slight disappointment.
"...such a lovely principal we have."
"I know right."

Both males chuckled before Mark was overcome by a very violent sneeze. Johnny flinched as both were surprised by the action that came with no warning. Mark began to scratch again, his body starting to feel as if it were on fire all of a sudden, overwhelmed with an urge to itch his entire body.

"What the hell?" Johnny murmured under his breath. Of course he was used to Mark and his allergy but it was never this bad indoors, especially away from sunlight. "Why is it suddenly-"

"Hi," a brightly smiling boy came up to them with a wave, "I'm Haechan."

At that moment, small red bumps were starting to become more prominent on Mark's skin, the itching not helping. Mark smiled through his pain, casually flicking the side of his thigh to prevent himself from just aggressively itching himself all over the damn place.

"Hi, I'm Mark, I'm supposed to show you around," Mark extended his hand to the red haired boy before him. Haechan smiled widely, Mark's itchiness coincidentally getting worse at the gesture, and the younger took his hand and shook it.
Mark's eyes widened, the contact caused him pain, and he quickly pulled away. Haechan frowned slightly but continued smiling nevertheless.

"uh, sorry, I um..." Mark paused for a second trying to compose himself, "I'll show you around now, we'll just go get Renjun." Haechan nodded, waiting for his cue.

Before Mark could take off, Johnny held him back, "What just happened?"
Mark shrugged, slowly shaking his head, "I have no clue."

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