36: Jeno thinks Cosmo and Wanda are couple goals

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Mark unlocked the door to Yuta's home to hear Jaemin and Jeno screeching in the living room. Mark along with Jisung and Renjun shuffled through the door together, the various bags they had brought now filled to the brim with Jaemin's stuff. Though there was less than they had expected, it didn't stop it from being heavy. Jaemin may not have that many clothes but he had a shit ton of plushies and figurines that had to be stuffed into the bags with great difficulty. Renjun had his giant orange and white hamster plushie under his arm while Mark stuffed a small grey rabbit in his hoodie pocket.

Jisung sighed in relief as he let the bags roll off his fingers at the front of the house, huffing the air out of his lungs. "That was easier than last time at least."

Mark hummed in agreement as he closed the door with his knee. "Luckily, Minnie was right about the times that woman is out." He bumbled over to the coffee table at the front living room of their house, dropping the bags down gently. He pulled the plushie out of his pocket as Renjun came up next to him, dropping the bags he had next to where Mark had placed his. Mark placed the rabbit on the table, turning and nodding to Renjun and Jisung.

The three of them followed the sound of screaming, Mark pushing his hood back and itching his arm through the material wrapped around them.

Taeyong patted Mark's shoulder, "went smoothly?"

Mark nodded, putting his hands into his pockets and turning his head to the chaos before him.

"IT LOOKS PATCHY!" Jaemin yelled looking at himself in the handheld mirror, ruffling his pink hair in the mirror.

"IT'S HARD TO DYE HAIR, JAEMIN," Jeno screeched back, running his hand through his own hair. "Taeyong hyung usually does this for me."

"Ah yes," Sicheng turned to Taeyong with a smile, "Lee Taeyong, full time principal, full time caretaker and part time hairdresser." Taeyong shrugged, smiling smugly.

Jaemin sighed as he put the mirror down, "you need to put more dye in, Nono!"

"Well I didn't know that, did I?" Jeno argued back.

"Even I could've done better," Chenle snorted, swivelling his chair in circles.

"Shut the fuck up, Chenle," Jeno and Jaemin scolded simultaneously.

"Why pink?" Jisung pointed at Jaemin's hair.

Jaemin smirked, turning to his boyfriend who was slowly hiding behind him turning red. "Wanna explain?" he grinned.

Jeno huffed, resting his head on Jaemin's shoulder. He pointed to his own hair, "green," he pointed to Jaemin's hair, "pink." He pointed between the both of them, "pink, green...Wanda...Cosmo...I wanted our hair to be like the fairly odd parents."

Mark started giggling, covering his mouth and laughing on Renjun's shoulder. Renjun squeezed his eyes as he laughed, "ah that's so cute and stupid." Jisung, who had moved earlier, sniggered as he rested his head on Chenle's, Chenle himself gripping his arm tightly as he laughed.

"Shut up," Jeno mumbled as the rest of the guys in the room laughed and cooed at the green haired boy.

Jaemin laughed, looking to Jeno, "it's okay, love," he pecked his cheek, "we all think this is very cute."

As the boys giggled, Yuta and his student came down the stairs, Yuta recapping to the kid the work they had covered. Sicheng looked up, "must be done tutoring."

Mark winced, shifting uncomfortably as the small hum that had started to buzz through his skin amplified. He had noticed it when he stepped into the house but didn't really pay much attention to it, thinking it was after effects of being outside. But as the student and Yuta approached the living room, the gears began to shift in Mark's brain as the burning of his skin became worse.

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