37: younger brother's can't keep their mouths shut

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"A six"



Mark rolled on his bed, facing his phone, a small smile playing on his lips. "It hurt less."

"That makes no sense though," Renjun's voice came through the speaker, "We didn't refer to him as Donghyuck."

"To be fair, you didn't really refer to him at all," Chenle chuckled, his voice grainy.

"Yeah," Jaemin entered through, "the only real acknowledgement was Jeno screaming at him."

Mark laughed, looking at Jeno sat at the foot of his bed with a frown. "I was worried," he mumbled, picking at Mark's covers.

"You didn't have to push me though," Haechan giggled, "you could've just told me."

"The real question is, would you have listened?" Jisung asked, a smirk evident in his voice.

Haechan scoffed, "yes actually."

Jaemin hummed through the phone, "right, like the last two times."

Mark sat up abruptly, "how did you know about that, I told no one."

"Jeno told me," Jaemin said nonchalantly.

Mark turned his head to his brother, narrowing his eyes at him as Jeno sat up, hands on hips.

"You asked me for painkillers for "reasons". As if I didn't fucking know," Jeno threw his hands up.

"Yeah and also it was entirely Mark's fault," Haechan accusingly spoke.

Mark crossed his arms as he blushed, "Hey!"

Jisung and Chenle audibly snorted through the speaker, Jisung falling into a fit of giggles.

"Someone's been exposed," Renjun laughed, "thank you Jaemin and Haechan."

"No problem." "Don't sweat it."

Mark sighed, falling forward into his sheets as Jeno laughed at him, poking his shoulder. Mark pouted, rolling on to his back. Jeno fell back himself on to the bed as he asked Mark what he meant by a six.

"In Yuta's class, Renjun and I had a rating system of pain," Mark explained.

"One for not bad at all and ten for take me to the fucking hospital right now," Renjun chuckled.

Mark snorted as he continued, "usually in Haechan's presence it's an eight, sometimes a nine."

"It's a what?" Haechan's voice getting higher, quivering slightly, "wait I didn't know that."

"Yeah, what the fuck," Jaemin muttered, "why didn't you say anything?"

Mark shrugged, "Cause I didn't need to go to hospital, duh."

Jeno loudly facepalmed, pushing his feet on to Mark's face as he complained about him not taking this seriously. Mark violently shoved Jeno's legs away, kicking him to the corner of his bed. As Mark tried to turn back to the call, Jeno began fighting back, trying to punch Mark as he flailed. Both of them started to yell at one another, thrashing at each other with weak limbs. Mark primarily attacking Jeno's face while the younger aimed for his brother's stomach.

"Guys," Haechan spoke quietly, giggling quietly, "your window is open remember."

Mark and Jeno's eyes widened slightly, Mark mid choking Jeno and Jeno pushing Mark's leg away from him. Both their eyes darted to the window, Haechan sat on his bed shaking as he held back his laughter. He waved at them, covering his mouth as he giggled, the sound coming muffled through the speaker.

Sunshine | MarkhyuckOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora