62: nomin content ;)

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"You know I am okay now, right?" Jaemin laughed softly, patting Jeno's knee.

Jeno snorted as he fell sideways on to Jaemin's lap, "obviously."

The younger leaned back on his bed, pushing his hands into the sheets behind him, "oh really, then explain why Taeyong says you've been sleeping in his bed these days."

"Pft whaaaaat," Jeno rolled on to his back, "that's not right."

Jaemin nodded as he quirked an eyebrow, "yeah, okay."

The elder sat up, turning to look at Jaemin in concern, "I know you're okay."

"Then what 's bothering you, my love?" Jaemin asked.

Jeno huffed, gnawing on his lip for a moment before properly turning his body to face the younger, "nothing's bothering me, Nana."

"Bullshit," Jaemin looked at him with dead eyes, "you're lying, I know that, idiot. Remember before I am your boyfriend, I'm your best friend, I know everything, now spill."

Jeno sighed, tapping at his legs as he looked down. He knew he should probably just tell Jaemin about it, it would make it a hell of a lot easier, but if he ever learnt anything in his life, it was to never be a burden to others. He didn't want to be the one that dumped all his problems on someone just cause they meant something to him. He didn't want to make someone else worry, nor did he want his feelings to be dismissed. He didn't want to lose more than he already had.

Jaemin tilted Jeno's head up with his finger, looking at him with gentle caring eyes that made Jeno melt and fall in love all over again. The younger brushed his thumb against Jeno's cheek, softly kissing his forehead. "Honey," he mumbled against his skin before moving back, "please."

Jeno sighed, leaning his head on Jaemin's shoulder as his resolve crumbled. Of course Jaemin's soft voice got to his heart. "I...yeah, I'm still worried about you."

"You don't trust Yuta hyung?" Jaemin asked.

"No no no," Jeno shook his head as he gulped, "I trust them, of course I do." He looked up, trying to make eye contact with the younger but averting his eyes quickly as his stomach felt uneasy, "I'm just scared you'll get hurt again."

Jaemin chuckled quietly, "why would I get hurt again? I'm never going back, no matter how much I cared for my mother, she never really cared for me. If she did, she would let me love the people I want to, she'd let me love you."

Jeno blinked, biting the inside of his lip, "...I mean, more, after this...after school."

"What do you mean?" Jaemin asked, running his hand through Jeno's hair.

"I'm scared for us."

Jaemin's head jolted back, blinking in confusion as Jeno inhaled deeply.

"What if the rest of the world is like your mother, what if the rest of the world hates us?" Jeno's voice shook, "what if...what if we can't handle it...I don't want to lose you too."

Jaemin took a deep breath, looking down to find an answer to ease the boy's mind. "Bub, that...that won't happen."

Jeno sighed loudly as he sat up, looking desperately into Jaemin's eyes, "how, Nana? We go to a school where everyone is fine with it but what happens after? What happens when the people around us aren't as accepting? These things are still illegal, these things are still frowned upon, here and many other places, how the fuck are we supposed to live?" His voice choked in his throat, accidentally gripping tightly on Jaemin's arm as he became more sporadic.

"Are you going to, or am I going to let you, surround yourself with people like that?" Jaemin said with hardened yet kind eyes, "would I ever even allow you or any of us to give up like that?" he took Jeno's hand from his arm gently, bringing it up to his lips. He pressed a kiss into his knuckles, "honey, the world may be cruel but like hell you're gonna be scared by it."

Jeno's shoulders sank, as he mumbled, "how can I not be scared by it?"

"You don't want the things that happened to me happen again and happen to you, yes?" Jeno nodded once. Jaemin smiled, pulling Jeno into his arms and nuzzling into his shoulders, "then it won't. Nothing like that will happen again, I assure you. We're going to be fine. Johnny hyung is fine, so is Yuta hyung, Taeyong hyung, all of them, and they're a giant gay mess." Jaemin pulled away, leaning his forehead on Jeno's, looking into his eyes, "we're gonna be just fine."

"Promise?" Jeno stared with hopeful doe eyes.

Jaemin giggled, pecking his lips, "I promise."

Jeno frowned as he moved back, "I always want to protect you, but it always seems like you're the one protecting me."

"You've saved me countless, love, you protect me more than you realise," Jaemin giggled.

Jeno ran his hand through his hair, sighing to himself, "I'm sorry for dumping that on you."

Jaemin snorted, waving his hand dismissively, "It's fine, I understand." He took Jeno's hand into his own, lacing their fingers together, "as long as you feel better, then that's all that matter, yeah?" Jeno nodded reluctantly, looking up and smiling at him. Jaemin chuckled, kissing his hand, "just remember to tell Yeosang, yeah, he can help you better than I can."

"I know, I know," Jeno laughed, moving his arm around Jaemin's shoulder.

"Therapist Yeosang, not stripper Yeosang," They muttered quietly in unison, chuckling quietly.

Jaemin let go of his hand, wrapping his hands around Jeno's waist, "but do tell me when the nightmares stop, yeah?"

"Mkay," Jeno exhaled, pecking Jaemin's head.

"And stop sleeping in Taeyong's bed, you kick in your sleep," Jaemin flicked the side of Jeno's head.

Jeno laughed, rubbing the side of his head, "yeah, yeah."

He flopped on to the bed, pulling Jaemin back with him. The younger giggled, curling himself around his boyfriend. He tapped delicately on Jeno's chest, humming to himself, Jeno gazing softly at him.

"I don't deserve you," he mumbled quietly, pulling him closer to his chest.

"Hmm you do," Jaemin replied mindlessly, "you'll realise one of these days that you deserve the world."

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