30: don't cry over spilt rice

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"What if I just...take it."

"...what if I burnt you alive."

Jaemin retracted his hand, chuckling in fear of his life as Renjun glared at him, moving his food away.

Johnny snorted, "that is the correct answer to people stealing your food."

Renjun nodded curtly, picking up his food from the table and walking to the carpet of the living room. 

Pretty much all of the guys were over at Johnny and Jaehyun's house, lounging around drinking either soju or apple juice.

Chenle stared in awe at all of the adults. Men he knew as his teachers now all talking and laughing casually with one another. Well except for Taeyong and Ten who were running around the kitchen playing tag like ten year olds.

Ten squealed, jumping over the counter in swift motion before running and leaping over Jisung lying on the floor.

"Come back here you little shit," Taeyong whined, running after him to the dining table.

Mark looked at his brother, gesturing to him, "our vice principal, everyone."

The guys chuckled, Chenle tapping his feet on the carpet rapidly. "This is kinda cool."

Jisung sat up as Mark responded. "What is?"

"Seeing just...teachers being weird," he giggled.

Jisung pursed his lips, inwardly cooing at the elder. Mark raised an  eyebrow at him as Jisung shuffled over to Chenle, pressing into his side.

"Hey," Yuta called out to them, "no canoodling."

Jisung frowned, "the fuck is "canoodling"."

"A mix between cannelloni and a noodle," Jeno answered as he jumped on Johnny's back. 

Taeyong came back to the living area carrying a thrashing laughing Ten, "don't spread misinformation, Jeno." Taeyong carried Ten over to Kun, dumping him in his arms. "You're princess, good sir."

"Thank you," Kun chuckled, placing Ten back on the ground. Ten whipped around, pressing a small kiss on his nose, making him smile. 

Renjun fake gagged, "really, in front of my salad."

Jaemin looked over his shoulder, pointing to his bowl, "that's actually kimchi fried rice, Injun, are you blind?"

Renjun looked at him with gritted teeth. Calmly, he took three bites of his food, swallowing it, and then dumped the rest on Jaemin's head.

"My carpet!" Johnny shrieked, running over as Jaemin simply took a plate off the table and brushed the rice from his hair on to it.
Jeno, who was minding his business on his hyung's back, had been thrown off in Johnny's despair, crashing into Taeil and sending them both flying backwards. Taeil hit the wall first, a groan coming afterwards as Jeno hit him after and compressed him into the wall. 

Chenle looked around in concern, wondering how everyone seemed so calm. It was the first time he had been out with all of them together, functioning as a single chaos gathering. Mark tapped his shoulder, "it's okay, this is actually kinda tame compared to what usually happens."

Chenle's eyes widened, "like...fire."

"No," Mark shook his head, "fire safety is key here. No, usually by now someone is taped to the ceiling and another is halfway out the window."

Jisung clicked his fingers to gain their attentions, "it's starting don't worry." He pointed to a window where Jaemin was dangling from, throwing out the hair rice out to the birds as Yuta held his waist, making sure he wouldn't fall.

"No, last time it was Johnny hyung, remember," Mark pointed out. 

"Ah," Jisung turned his head back, nodding, "yeah and his four and half bottles of soju."

Mark hummed as Chenle stared in horror at Johnny who was squatting down, picking up individual grains of rice from the floor.

Jaehyun walked up to him, kicking his foot, "Babe, you don't have to do that."

Johnny looked up to him in a daze, dragging out a long "what?"

Jaehyun gestured to the vacuum in his hands. Johnny slurred an "oh" as he got up. He turned to his husband, holding on to his collar.

"You're so pretty Jaehyunnie," he giggled, hiccupping slightly, "we should get married."

Jaehyun looked at him in disappointment, "you've only had two bottles, how are you like this already?"

Johnny continued to fiddle with Jaehyun's collar, shrugging in response and starting to pepper small kisses all over his face. Jaehyun groaned as he shook his head, pulling out of Johnny's weak hold and walking over to Taeil.

Johnny blinked, eyes watering as he turned with a pout to Taeyong. "Is Jaehyunnie gonna leave me?"

Taeyong took a sip of his drink as he leaned on the table. "Yes."

Johnny squeaked slightly, his lip quivering. "Fine, I'll just find Ten."

Ten turned around in horror at the mention of his name, "no the fuck you will not, Seo."

Johnny whined, stamping his feet like a toddler. He pointed to Jaehyun, "but my boyfriend left me, I need hugs."

Ten turned his head to Jaehyun, who simply sighed and shrugged in response to what Johnny had said.

"I'm done feeding the birds!" Jaemin turned back triumphantly, Yuta letting go of him once he was safely inside. 

Yuta brushed his hands," and now to deal with this one, come on." He walked over to Johnny and threw him over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes. Jaehyun gave him a thumbs up as he took his husband away down the hall. 

Mark turned back to Chenle with pursed lips, "yeah that's my science teacher."

Jeno walked over to Jaemin, picking him up by the waist and began carrying him to the bathroom. "Don't mind us," he shouted before closing the door.

"Don't do anything weird in my bathroom," Jaehyun shouted back before taking a swig of his drink.

Chenle pouted as he looked at Jaehyun, "I don't understand, how can they be husbands if it's not allowed in this country."

Mark snorted, taking a sip of his drink, "no one said they were legally husbands, I just said they were husbands."

"Yeah government don't need to know shit," Jisung exhaled with a laugh. The boys' chuckle gradually dissipated, the murmur of the adults in the room paired with clinking glasses filling their small silence.  

Jisung leaned his head on Chenle's shoulder, "I wish Haechannie was here, not gonna lie."

Mark hummed, checking his phone once more to see if there were any changes. "Yeah," he said, pushing his phone back into his pocket. "It would've been nice."

Taeil sat beside them, "god forbid Yangyang were here."

Chenle sat up slightly, "Taeil hyung, you can't say that."

The elder shrugged, taking a swig from his bottle, "he's my nephew, I can say what I want."

"He's your what now?" Mark sat up himself, eyes wide.

"My sister's son," Taeil shrugged, "I think that makes us related somehow, my sister's fucking old."

Chenle snorted, "the more you know."

Another Message

Author-nim wants to let you know that they are a dumb bitch and is going through her earlier shit and editing it and they don't know how notifications work so if you keep getting them they are sorry and so am i because of what a fucking disgrace they are

sincerely, Jeno Lee, smarted than author-nim and we all fucking know why 

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