53: Hyuck doesn't like complicated plots

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Mark bit his smile down as he sat beside Donghyuck, knee to knee as they watched yet another movie.

"This somehow makes less sense than Howl's," Donghyuck frowned.

"Hm?" Mark's head shot to him, snapping back to reality.

Donghyuck pointed at the screen with pursed lips, "Hyung, I don't get it."

Mark sighed, pulling his phone out once again and looking up the film. Donghyuck sighed, wrapping his arms around Mark's bicep and peering over to see the screen.

""teens look to save their school's clubhouse from the wrecking ball in preparations for the 1964 Tokyo Olympics" Hyuck," Mark dropped his phone down, looking to the younger, "Even I got that and I'm barely paying attention."

Donghyuck groaned, rubbing his head on Mark's shoulder, tightening his grip, "It's so unnecessarily complicated though."

"No it's not, it gives the character background," Mark chuckled, ruffling the boy's hair.

Donghyuck pouted before standing up and walking over to the T.V. and grabbing the remote. "I'm changing the movie, I don't want this," he huffed, plopping back down. He looked toward the elder sat beside him for a moment before shuffling closer to him and moving the boy's arm around his shoulders, cuddling into his chest. He exited the movie, scrolling through the various other films and dramas in their recommended.

Mark looked down to him, smiling and bringing him closer. He left a small peck in his hair before simply resting on his head as Donghyuck browsed. He liked this. He liked having this. Having him closer, within reach, within hold. Mark finally had the freedom of keeping Donghyuck in his arms, and though it still burnt faintly, as the days rolled by, he got more and more used to it, the pain lingering in the low ones and twos.

The only thing he really didn't like was that he still couldn't kiss Donghyuck. Call him selfish or weird or whatever but Mark loved Donghyuck's lips, the downside being the pain. Everytime he did try to kiss him, his lips would feel as if they were on fire, similar to what it was like when he couldn't really be around Donghyuck. He wondered what would've happened if he tried to kiss Donghyuck earlier on. Maybe he really would've been sent into a coma, or perhaps worse.

"Have you ever watched 'Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children'?" Donghyuck moved his head to look up at him.

Mark shook his head, "Can't say that I have."

Donghyuck smiled, clicking on the movie, "Subbed or dubbed."

"Sub because I refuse to listen to dub unless it's 'Ghost Stories' or 'Haikyuu' in English" Mark spoke assertively. "Plus you know, I don't really care, I can understand anyway."

Donghyuck snorted, "wait why those?"

"Because they're fucking hilarious, dude," Mark laughed.

Donghyuck chuckled himself, muttering "noted" as he pressed play.

Mark cuddled Donghyuck to his chest as they watched, Donghyuck's legs thrown over his lap as they slouched in the corner of the couch, Mark leaning on the arm rest. Donghyuck sighed, eyes fixated on the screen as he unconsciously pulled at his sleeves.

"Hyung, love you and all, but can you please move your hand away from my hair," Donghyuck spoke in a small voice, "I'll fall asleep and I really wanna watch the movie."

Mark blinked as he came to reality, realising he had been mindlessly playing with Donghyuck's hair as they watched. He giggled as he muttered a quiet apology, moving his hand around his shoulders.

"Better," Donghyuck mumbled, wrapping his arms around Mark's waist as he continued watching.

Mark smiled down, softly gazing at the younger in all his glow. He tapped his shoulder to gain the boy's attention. As Donghyuck looked up, Mark pressed his lips to his, leaving a soft kiss. Donghyuck chuckled, moving slightly closer and cupping Mark's face as he kissed him again, lingering in the sweetness for as long as he could. 

It could only last for a few moments however as Mark ripped himself away, gasping for air only a few seconds later. He winced as he cussed under his heavy breath, Donghyuck sitting up slightly.

"Mark, you okay?" Donghyuck pulled himself off him as Mark bit his lip harshly.

He took a few moments to recollect himself, looking up and giving Donghyuck a sheepish grin, "sorry."

"Why are you sorry?" Donghyuck chuckled, "do you need water or something?"

Mark shook his head, slowly breathing better. It still hadn't gotten much better, maybe a seven in his scale but that wasn't something he could deal with when it was so close. He took the remote from the chair arm.

"We missed a bit," Mark sat up, rewinding back a bit before pressing play, trying to slow his breathing to stop his head from spinning.

Donghyuck snatched the remote from him, pausing the film. He tossed the remote beside him before throwing his arms around Mark's neck and pecking his lips.

Mark pursed his lips into a frown, still choking slightly on his breath, "do you want me to die?"

"Depends on the day honestly," Donghyuck shrugged, pecking him once again.

"Donghyuck, what are you doing?" Mark furrowed his eyebrows, holding onto his waist.  

"Nothing," Donghyuck smiled innocently at him before quickly kissing him again.

Mark inhaled deeply, sighing in slight disappointment, "Donghyuck."

"Yeah?" Donghyuck gave him a half smile, once again giving him a kiss.

"What the fuck you doing, my guy?" Mark raised an eyebrow at him.

Donghyuck kissed him one last time before moving and sitting next to him. He blinked at the screen for a moment before pointing at it, "watching a film, duh."

Mark turned his head to the television. "It's paused."

Donghyuck quickly grabbed the remote beside him, clicking the play button. "No it's not."

"Brat," Mark rolled his eyes, clasping his hands in his lap.

"Wanker," Donghyuck muttered back in English.

Mark squinted at him, "we're not bri- do you even know what you just said?"

Donghyuck shrugged, staring at the screen. Mark huffed, jumping onto Donghyuck and latching to his side. Donghyuck laughed, letting him clutch to him as they both laid on one another, eyes glued to the T.V. as the small amount of light disappeared behind the closed blinds.

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