26: this is not how it should work

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Mr Nakamoto walked into the classroom, making quick eye contact with Renjun and Mark, who nodded in response. He placed his books and bag down, welcoming the class as Mark tapped anxiously on the table.

Today was the experiment.

Jeno had discussed with Haechan that they had to run a small test of sorts, which he happily agreed to once he heard Mark's name. Mark didn't want to admit out loud later when they spoke that night, but hearing that Haechan just smiles and gets brighter with just the mention of his name made his heart flutter. He loved the idea that he could make his sun happy.

Mark had explained a basis of what they were testing without accidentally ruining the actual experiment. But honestly Mark didn't really pay much attention to what came out of his mouth. Especially when Haechan was looking so cute and adorable only a few metres in front of him, he couldn't really concentrate. He ended up stumbling over his words more often than usual, Haechan giggling at him because he found it endearing, which made him stutter worse. The only real downside was that now he covered his mouth when he smiled or laughed, which had to be the biggest loss in Mark's eyes.

"First we'll take the role," Mr Nakamoto announced as he unpacked his bag, eliciting a shaky breath from both Renjun and Mark. Mr Nakamoto and Ms Im were noted of a slight change in how the role was to be taken, the two classes Mark shared with Haechan. Jeno was able to convince Ms Im with a sweet smile. Perks of being not only the Vice Principal's younger brother but also her favourite student. Meanwhile, Mark walked Yuta through the entire thing.

Renjun held on to Mark's hand, the elder looking up to see Renjun chewing on his lip.

"Scale of pain, one to ten."

"Right now, like a good eight."

Renjun turned to him with wide eyes, "wait what?!"

"You underestimate my pain tolerance," Mark nodded at him, "this hurts like a bitch, my dude." Of course he built a tolerance, he had been dealing with this his entire life. But that didn't stop the pain still being there, uncomfortably burning through his body whenever he was in sunlight.

And of course, Haechan's presence.

Renjun turned back, nodding in fear. Both now sat in anticipation for the weirdest thing they could be waiting for.

"Lee Chan"


Yuta swallowed, eyes flickering up for a second before calling the next name. Now or never it seemed.

"Lee Donghyuck."

Haechan froze, head shooting up at his actual name in surprise.


Yuta nodded, continuing on.

Mark watched Haechan blink in slight confusion, pouting for a moment before continuing his conversation with Felix, the boy sat beside him. A sigh of relief visibly washing over the teacher at the front.


"Here," Mark called out to the teacher before addressing Renjun, "like...a six."

Renjun's head twitched up, gradually turning to Mark. "Really?"

Mark nodded as realisation dawned on him, a small fraction of hope and joy beginning to sparkle in his eyes. It worked.

Renjun bit down his smile, Mark bursting into a short bewildered chuckle. They both looked down, Renjun bouncing his legs up and down while Mark just vibrated excitedly in place.

They couldn't hear Mr Nakamoto explain the work for the class, too genuinely joy filled to do anything. Both boys had too much pride swelling in their rapidly beating hearts to even care about anything else. It worked. The stupid stupid idea worked. Even in the slightest amount it worked.

"Mark, Renjun," Mr Nakamoto's voice rang through the classroom, luckily being caught by the two trying not to scream in joy. Both their heads snapped up, releasing their hands. "Can I speak with you outside?"

Though it took a small moment of buffering, the two eventually shot up from their chairs, quickly shuffling one after the other out the door to the hallway.

Mr Nakamoto closed the door, turning to them with folded arms. "Teacher mode off."

Mark and Renjun immediately jumped and clung to Yuta's arms.

"IT WORKED," they exclaimed in unison, laughing.

Yuta's eyes lit up as he was being shaken by the two. Renjun let go of him, jumping up and down in circles while Mark looked to the floor with heavy breaths, grinning from ear to ear.

"It worked, only a little but it worked," Mark laughed, his eyes starting to brim with tears. He glanced up to Yuta, "it hurt less."

Yuta's smile faltered a little, "it still hurt though."

Renjun stopped jumping, letting his head fall to the side with a smile. "Oh come on," he said as he stumbled off, twirling around,. "It still went down, that's the best thing ever."

Mark smiled at Renjun, "yeah, a little goes a long way."

Yuta sighed as a chuckle escaped his lips, "you're a very optimistic person aren't you."

"I gotta be in this case," Renjun laughed, rubbing his scarred wrists together, "if it works we can use it to our advantage. Won't have to worry about trying to create SPF one bajillion."

Mark rolled his shoulders back, glancing back into the classroom. He made brief eye contact with Haechan who waved at him. Mark grinned at him.

"It can only be a good thing," he spoke as his skin began to burn once again.

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