43: its like a date but with extra steps

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Mark averted his eyes from everyone in the room, his cheeks burning for more than one reason. Tapping his feet, he flicked through his book over and over, yet he didn't read anything. He tried steadying his breath, occasionally scratching at his neck.

Renjun broke the very awkward silence of the room, "you know y'all can talk, right?"

"Hm?" Haechan's eyes darted up to the small boy, Mark raising his eyes to the glowing boy a few metres away. The burning sensation in his skin amplified as he did so.

Renjun sighed, standing up as he realised neither of them would acknowledge the other. He walked over to Mark. "Liffftttt," he grabbed Mark's chin, lifting it upward so that he would actually look up at Haechan on the other side of the room.

Jeno groaned as both bashful boys refused to speak to one another. He slumped on to his boyfriend's shoulder. "Baby, make them talkkkkkk, they're annoying me."

Jaemin chuckled, pecking his head, "it's up to them, love, I can't do shit."

Mr Kim calmly blew on his soup, taking a sip before looking up, "you know this won't work, and we won't get good results, if you don't at least try having a conversation."

Mark puffed his cheeks as he looked to the teacher. His eyes flickered to the younger boy, exhaling as Haechan made eye contact with him. Both flushed, awkwardly waving at one another.



Jisung whined loudly and slammed his head on the table. Everyone sat up in concern, looking over at the youngest. Chenle rubbed his back, "what's wrong?"

Jaemin stood up, walking to the other side of Jisung as he whined. "What's wrong, honey?"

Jisung repeatedly hit his head on the table, muttering as he did so. "They're so. Fucking. Slow."

Haechan stood up in defence, "well it's not really like we have much to talk about."

Mark clapped his hands, gesturing to Haechan, "exactly, you little fuck, what exactly am I gonna say?"

"JUST THINK OF SOMETHING!" Jeno yelled at them.

"WE'RE TRYING!" Mark and Haechan screamed back simultaneously.

"AVOCADOS! TALK ABOUT AVOCADOS!" Jaemin screeched to try and monitor the situation.

Haechan rolled his eyes, glancing at Mark, "how ya feel about avocados?"

"Honestly, soggy," Mark shrugged. Haechan nodded solemnly as Jeno stood up abruptly.

"Woah woah woah woah, hang on," Jeno shook his head, staring Mark down, "have you ever had a good avocado?"

"No avocado is good, my dude," Mark shook his head as he spoke.

Haechan nodded, "it's true."

Jeno gapped, turning to Jaemin, "excuse me."

"If they don't like avocado, what am I supposed to do with that?" Jaemin blinked at his boyfriend with a pout.

Jeno moved his head back, "...do you not like avocado?"

"No, I do," Jaemin justified, "but not passionately."

Renjun snorted, "Jaemin's not passionate about anything."

"That's cause Jaem's a sub," Haechan interjected.

Jaemin's face dropped, blinking at him as the rest of the boys burst into fits of laughter. He turned to Jeno with sad eyes, trying to silently ask him to defend him.

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