3: Please, Haechan, use your braincells

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"Guys!" Jisung, the youngest of their pack, came bounding toward the older boys, "They restocked the strawberry milk!"

Jaemin scrunched his nose, "Blegh, no thanks."

"yeah, we know you only drink the souls of the dead," Jeno smiled. Jaemin turned to him, attempting to glare at him, yet failing miserably. He just couldn't win against his oh so handsome boyfriend.

Renjun leaned over toward Mark, "If they get touchy again, I'm booking it."

"Same," Mark nodded in agreement.

"Renjun!" A high pitched voice yelled out toward the room, gaining all the boys' attention. Renjun waved at someone outside the ajar door, yelling back something in Mandarin and gesturing for the boy to sit down.

"Guys, this is Chenle, he just moved from China, so take it easy on him," Renjun spoke.

The younger boy smiled at the new faces. "Hi, it's nice to meet you." The boys nodded, greeting him back, introducing themselves and complimenting his Korean. Chenle bowed politely before settling down in the seat beside Renjun so the elder could translate for him, everyone now enjoying the small conversations around them.

That is until Mark sneezed.

Jaemin looked up with furrowed eyebrows, "hyung, how are you sneezing in the film room?"

Typically, the boys hung out in the film and media studies room as the light could be blocked out completely, and Taeyong, being the lovely brother and principal he was, managed to change the light fixtures within the room. They left the door open slightly in case teachers had to come in, but they were in a corner, so it never really mattered.

Mark shrugged, sniffling slightly, "I really don-"

The older boy was cut off as a familiar face walked into the room looking for something. The young boy looked around the room for a moment, muttering under his breath about a SD card when the two made eye contact. Haechan broke into a large grin seeing the elder, the smile causing Mark to itch.

"not again," Mark mumbled quietly as he scratched the base of his neck, the skin beneath his fingernails beginning to turn red as he did so.

Jeno's eyes widened slightly at his brother's state, realising the actual weight of what Mark had been talking about a few days prior.

"Ah Haechan," Mark smiled, attempting to keep his cool. Renjun peeled Mark's hands away from his neck, holding them in place on the elders lap as he spoke. "How are you? Is there something you need?"

Haechan chuckled causing Mark to wince, feeling his skin begin to bubble up again as the boy approached them, "I thought I did, but I can't find anything," the younger smiled and Mark more than ever just wanted to jump out the window and drag himself across the concrete for some sort of relief.

"What are you guys doing here in the dark," Haechan giggled obliviously, starting to make his way over to the blinds to let the sun in.

"DON'T!!!" All of them (apart from Chenle) yelled out, Jaemin already halfway out of his seat.

Haechan stumbled back, letting go of the string, "Uh why?"

The boys turned to one other, side eying each other to try find an explanation without dragging Mark down. Mark sighed, standing up before making his way over to the younger to explain, his skin burning more and more as he stepped closer and closer.

"I'm allergic to sunlight," Mark explained, "I can't expose myself too much to the sun or I start to itch and sneeze. If it gets really bad I break out in hives, although its been a while."

Haechan nodded slowly as realisation dawned on him, "ohhh, that explains why you were so weird yesterday. I was worried you'd scratch your skin right off." He chuckled and Mark almost exploded in pain.

"Eh, it's happened before," Mark laughed as if everything was fine. He really did wish it was fine. While the younger's smile caused him immense suffering physically, it was something to marvel at. Not only his smile but literally everything about the boy, his voice, his smile, his humour, everything. A truly gorgeous human being.

Haechan frowned in worry, "oh I'm sorry."

Mark waved his hand dismissively, "Nah, it's fine."

"For now, maybe, but if you don't get out right now I might die."

Mark bit tongue, giving the boy a smile.

"Welp I'll get out of your hair, sunbaenim," Haechan bowed politely. As the younger walked away, Mark could gradually feel the throbbing pain gradually fade away. Sighing a breath of relief when the younger stepped out of the classroom, Mark turned around and walked back to his seat.

"Mark," Jaemin mumbled worriedly, reaching out and touching his arm, "honey, you've swollen up."

Mark looked down, touching his skin and indeed, his arms and the base of his neck were slightly puffy, one of his arms yet again bright red with harsh scratch marks trailing down. Mark exhaled shakily, making eye contact with Jeno.

"Hyung, I'm gonna go get Taeyong," Jeno stood up, walking over to the door, "you can't be around him."

Mark frowned. He really didn't want this, especially when Haechan seemed so sweet. But now, even just hearing his name made Mark's flesh crawl. He couldn't stand the feeling Haechan caused him. The pulsing, non stop pain of his presence.

Mark sank into his chair, nodding at Jeno to go get their brother. As much as he didn't like it, he couldn't have contact with him. Jeno took it as a cue, running out of the room towards the principal's office.

He looked down at his swollen, throbbing arms as Renjun rummaged through his bag for Mark's medication. What would Haechan think of him anyway? Some kid from your new school suddenly having bad allergic reactions just in your presence. He knew he left a bad impression on the kid.

He folded his arms in front of himself.

"Fuck I hate this."

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