9: get yourselves a bestie who'll clown you for having feelings

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Haechan pulled at the sleeves of his jumper as he waited for the younger. It worked like this now. Jisung and occasionally Chenle would keep him company during school hours. Out in the yard, doing laps around the buildings, Haechan and Jisung would walk, sometimes blabbering about god knows what, and sometimes staying in comfortable silence. And then, during the nights, just until midnight, he'd be with Mark. Not physically of course, though he wanted to, but he would spend it texting or calling Mark, words that were only theirs.

Jisung during the day. Mark during the night.

"Haechan!" a figure in the background yelled out, to which Haechan waved at.

"What ya doing?" the boy asked.

Haechan inhaled, smiling at him, "just waiting for Jisung," he said slowly.

Chenle's cheeks heated up at the name, "oh that's cool, can I hang out with you guys?"

"Why not," Haechan nodded, giggling slightly at the younger's flustered state, "somebody feeling something?"

Chenle shook his head rapidly, but the colour of his face deepened, "I don't know what you're talking about, hyung."

Haechan stood up, bumping his hip into Chenle's side, mumbling a small "mhm."

"First Renjun ge, then Jaemin hyung, now you, oh when will my suffering stop," the boy whined.

"Gosh you sound like Mark hyung," Jisung spoke as he approached the two, waving at both of them. Haechan's lips unconsciously turned upward at the elder's name, the smile staying there as he greeted Jisung.

The three of them set out on their walk, chatting and blabbering as they went, Sungchan and Yangyang joining in. Whenever Jisung wanted to hang out with his other hyungs, Haechan would linger around Yangyang and Sungchan, who had essentially adopted him as one of their own. He really liked how Yangyang was basically his personality squared, so he was absolutely fine with it.

"But all I'm saying is that if I were to hide tabasco sauce in my pants, they'd have no right to check there," Yangyang argued.

"If it comes up during the scan, of course they have the right, cause you're doing something illegal," Haechan argued back.

"But it's a violation of my rights and my pants."

"Why would you take tabasco sauce on the plane anyway?"

"You don't need to know my reason."

Sungchan frowned in disgust, but shook it off to contribute, "okay, okay, but hyung, consider it wouldn't set off the alarms."

"Exactly, there's no metal!" Yangyang clapped, gesturing to the younger.

"How do you know the contents of tabasco sauce huh?" Haechan snapped.

"Personally, I'd be concerned if there were just chunks of metal in my sauce, hyung," Jisung giggled quietly.

Just as Haechan went back to defend his point, his phone vibrated in his pocket. Yangyang scoffed with a smile before turning to Chenle for his opinion.

Haechan's smile widened ever so slightly as he read the name of the sender.

Big Head Watermelon Man🍉💚 sent a message.

Now don't get him wrong, he loved both Jisung and Mark's company, both of them held interesting conversations and it was super easy bouncing off each of them.

But he wanted it to be ever so slightly different.

He wanted to be with Jisung and Mark during the day, chatting and bickering and laughing, and then during the night, he wanted Mark. Only Mark. Not that Jisung was a bad person or unlikeable in any way, but there was something about Mark's presence that made him warm and fuzzy, that made him relaxed, something that made him want Mark all to himself.

He guessed maybe just talking to someone only over text for over three or four months made him restless. There's something about being far from someone that made you want to be near them even more. And apparently Mark applied. He also knew that whenever he did see a message from him, his heart would almost flip, maybe just pirouetted. And he kinda liked the feeling. Unrequited love was just tempting like that.

Haechan opened the message up, Mark asking him how he was and if he was legally allowed to set his brother on fire. Haechan rolled his eyes, typing in his response, slowing down his pace slightly so he could reply properly.

Yangyang fell back behind the group, walking alongside the red-haired boy. He bumped Haechan's hip with a knowing smile, "someone got you all soft, huh?"

Haechan pushed the younger back as his face slowly heated up, "why would you say that?"

"Well, you're smiling, like, really brightly at your phone," Yangyang quirked an eyebrow, "and last time I did that while texting someone, it was Kunhang last year."

Haechan slid his phone back into his pocket, crossing his arms in front of himself, "and how do you know that I wasn't typing a comment on a post I liked, huh? Or that I was writing in my notes app something I forgot hm?"

"Cause I know what the damn messages app looks like, dumbass," Yangyang flicked Haechan's head, the boy wincing slightly. "So, tell me, what's got you all sunny like?"

"I'd assume it be myself cause I am the one and only 'Haechan'," Haechan waved his hands in a rainbow shape, "'Full sun'," he slid in front of Yangyang, dramatically looking over his shoulder, "'Donghyuck'."

Yangyang laughed, poking the elder's side as they walked, Haechan giggling in response.

Yangyang moved his arms around Haechan's waist, "just tell meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee," he whined.

Haechan pretended to clear his ear, "damn, why are there mosquitoes out at this time of the year?"



Yangyang stopped them from walking, looking over the boy's shoulder, "just tell me."

Haechan groaned, slipping out of Yangyang's arms and slinging his arm around his shoulder, starting to walk again so they wouldn't fall behind.



"There's this guy."

"There's a guy."

"Named Mark."

"Oh! I know Mark!" Yangyang smiled, "yeah he's cool, what about him?"

"Can't be near him," Haechan pursed his lips together.

Yangyang's shoulders slumped, "well that's a bummer."

"It really is," Haechan nodded solemnly.

"So what does this have to do with him?"

"that's who I'm texting."

Yangyang froze for a moment, "did you not...just say...you can't be near him."

"Is he here physically?"

"Well, no."

"Is he present right now, in the flesh?"


"So is he near me?"


"I rest my case."

Haechan nodded, continuing their walk. Yangyang frowned, moving his arm around Haechan's waist, "but, doesn't that feel weird?"

Haechan shrugged, "A lil, it's kinda just upsetting if I'm being honest."

Yangyang nodded slowly as they caught up with the rest, "Well then, I will need to sus him out, but you have my full support and help," he beamed at the elder boy.

Haechan bumped his head with his, his lips tilting up, "thank you, Yangyang."

(a/n I said slow updates but im getting through this better than the other one so hmmm)

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