12: Yuta and Jeno have long standing beef

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Jeno finally stopped somersaulting around the room when he knocked his head against Mr Nakamoto's table.

"I fucking told you," Jaemin laughed, walking up to his dumbass of a boyfriend. Jeno groaned in pain and rested his head against the table.

Mark leaned back in his chair, practically dying at his brother's stupidity until he stacked it backwards. Jeno cackled through his pain just to shame his sibling, still holding his head.

Renjun waddled up to Mark, helping him off the floor. Mark gratefully was pulled up, still laughing at Jeno.

"I thought y'all were in year 12," Mr Nakamoto shook his head in disbelief.

Mark groaned slightly as he sat back down, realising he hit his head on the wall. Renjun examined his head in case of outward physical injury, which luckily for Mark he had none. After running his mini diagnostic, Renjun patted Mark's shoulder, "you're all good." And with that, he kissed the elder's head.

Mark looked up at him, amused confusion was basically the expression he gave the smaller boy, "thank you."

"You're welcome," Renjun nodded rapidly, waddling back to his seat and curling up in a ball.

Jaemin had helped Jeno up off the floor, rubbing the boy's head while smiling, "None of you got the braincells in that family, did they?"

Jisung swung back on his chair, "Taeyong hyung is vice principal though."

"No trust me he doesn't have any useful braincells either," Yuta snorted, stirring his cup of soup, "yesterday, mans wasn't paying attention and caught his pan on fire while on a call with us."

Mark clicked his finger, "yeah I can vouch for that one."

Chenle frowned, "no one is smart?"

Jisung smiled at him, "yup, pretty much."

Yuta stretched his arms up, his shirt riding up slightly causing Jaemin to blush furiously. Jeno frowned yet still chuckled at the younger, "how dare you."

"Sorry," Jaemin squeaked, giggling awkwardly, "old habits die hard."

Chenle cocked his head as Yuta waved off the expression, saying that it was fine.

Mark chuckled, ruffling Chenle's hair across the table, "Don't worry I'll explain," he started off slowly, "cause we've all known each other for a long time, especially Jaemin and Jisungie, they used to be always around our house. At the same time, Taeyongie hyung would sometimes also have his friends over, Mr Seo, Mr Nakamoto, Mr Qian, etcetera. So somehow, Jaemin ended up having the biggest crush on Yuta hyung."

Jaemin slowly sunk into his chair, "can you blame me though?"

Jeno dramatically threw himself across the table, "oh why," he whined, "am I not enough?"

Jaemin hit his arm, dragging him back to his seat, "of course you are, but that man right there was the reason of my gay awakening so cut me some slack."

Yuta's ears perked up, "wait seriously?" Jaemin hesitated before nodding. "Damn I'm good."

Jeno sighed exaggeratedly, falling on to Jaemin, "why, am I not attractive enough?"

"Why was this brought up again," Jaemin groaned, hiding his face behind his hands.

Yuta flicked his hair back, "well we all know I'm more attractive than you, Jeno."

The younger boy sat up abruptly, pointing accusingly at him. "How. Fucking. Dare. You. I'm fucking gorgeous, look at this jawline, you could never old man."

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