50: a quiet drink and some peace

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(a/n: this is just DoTae, you can skip if you don't care.)

Dongyoung slid the door to Taeyong's balcony open, sitting down beside the older male on the bench. Taeyong turned his head slightly, silently acknowledging him before turning back to the rural lights of their tiny town.

While Mark's room window faced the city side lights, visible through gaps between the compact units, Taeyong's room window faced the road, the balcony opening up so that one could view the streets and houses rolling down the hill they lived on. A peaceful place, occasionally a car whizzing past or teens chattering as they walked below. But Taeyong would sometimes sit out on the small terrace, breathing in the night life like his brother did on the other side of their home.

Dongyoung looked back through the glass, smiling softly. "You keep the light amber still."

Taeyong nodded, taking a sip of his drink. He swirled the vermouth around the glass, staring into the whirl. "Minhyungie used to get nightmares, remember?" He glanced back at his room glowing faintly. "Couldn't be bothered changing it."

He looked back, meeting Dongyoung's eyes in the middle. The two simply stared at one another as the night danced around them, Taeyong swallowing slightly as they sat in silence.
"Jeno let you in?" Taeyong asked quietly, Dongyoung nodding, still not breaking eye contact. A small gust of wind circled around them, Taeyong's thin white shirt rippling in the blow.

Dongyoung broke contact first, looking down. Taeyong looked down to him a small smile before moving to reach for the bottle on the small table, grabbing a glass from underneath. "Want a glass?"

Dongyoung chuckled silently, "sure." Taeyong passed the glass to him, popping the bottle open and pouring the drink a third of the way. Dongyoung nodded a thanks, taking a sip once Taeyong stopped.

Taeyong placed the bottle down, picking his glass back up and taking another swig. Dongyoung tapped his fingers on the glass, his eyes darting around as Taeyong stared with warm eyes at the townscape.

"Hyung," Dongyoung let his eyes dart up. Taeyong hummed in response as he drank. "Do you regret hiring me?"

Taeyong turned back to him, his face falling into a smile. He chuckled softly as he shook his head, "No, of course not." He looked back up to the sky, "best art teacher we've had in a while."

Dongyoung smiled lopsidedly, his cheeks burning slightly. He quietly thanked Taeyong, turning his attention to the streets. Taeyong inhaled softly, pushing up his glasses as he shifted in his seat. It wasn't uncomfortable that Dongyoung was there, but it was strange. They weren't the same and now that he was back, it felt strange that they weren't cuddled together, fingers interlaced, Dongyoung comfortably lying in his embrace, taking in the night. That they weren't Dongyoung and Taeyong.

"Do you remember us, hyung?"

Taeyong chuckled, rolling his head toward the younger male, "I thought you wanted to start fresh, hm?" Dongyoung pursed his lips, holding back his smile. Taeyong laughed, bumping his shoulder. "It's okay, I get it." Dongyoung looked down at his glass, tracing his finger around the rim of the glass. Taeyong exhaled, a sad smile playing on his lips. "I sometimes miss us too."

Taeyong breathed softly as Dongyoung tapped his feet under the bench. It had been a long time since they had been out there together. It was different last time of course, they didn't have any space between them before, Taeyong's hands roaming underneath Dongyoung's shirt as they kissed under the moonlight. Now Taeyong could probably count the inches between them, measure it with a ruler. The tension was different from last time.

Dongyoung turned himself to face Taeyong, propping his knee up on the bench. "How are you, hyung? How has everyone been?"

Taeyong tilted his head to him slowly, "haven't spoken to anyone?"

Sunshine | MarkhyuckOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora