61: zero

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Donghyuck flopped backwards onto Mark's bed, sighing in content as his body sank into the mattress.

Mark snorted as he shut the door behind him, "glad you're comfy."

Donghyuck mumbled incoherently, turning himself into the pillows of the bed as he nodded. Mark ruffled his hair, walking over to his bedside table and plugging in his phone. He exhaled softly as he stood up properly, tilting his head from side to side to stretch.

His attention snapped to the bed as he felt Donghyuck tug on his shirt, quietly whining for him. Mark chucked, letting himself be pulled on to the bed, swinging his legs on to it before scooping Donghyuck in his arms.

"Hi my baby," Mark laughed, nuzzling Donghyuck's forehead, gaining a chuckle from the younger.

Donghyuck curled himself into Mark's chest, wrapping his leg around his waist and burying his face into his shirt. "I like this a lot better," he mumbled, sighing in bliss as he was embraced.

Mark hummed in agreement, cuddling Donghyuck tightly and snuggling into his warmth, the warmth that didn't hurt him anymore.

He nuzzled the crevasse of Donghyuck's neck and shoulder, peppering soft kisses along soft skin. The boy chuckled quietly, poking Mark's chest subtly and running his fingers down his clothed sternum.

The elder boy moved the younger back from him, looking Donghyuck top to bottom, taking in the incredible beauty that was his boyfriend, the younger turning slightly red under his gaze of admiration.

"Donghyuck, I need you to know that I'm absolutely head over heels in love with you," Mark said in complete seriousness.

Donghyuck burst into laughter, gently slapping Mark's chest, "I know that, dumbass, why are you telling me this?"

"Just felt like I needed to tell you," Mark shrugged, smiling warmly at him. His eyes softened as Donghyuck chuckled and replied that he loved him too, feeling the gross crush feeling Taeyong had told him about turning his stomach to mush and heart to devastation.

Maybe it was still a crush, but maybe hopefully it will be love.

He brought him close to his chest once again. "Hyuckie, why did you never just leave me?" Mark mumbled, tightening his hold on the younger's waist, feeling as if he'll just turn to dust under his fingers if he didn't. He never wanted to let him go of course, but he couldn't understand why Donghyuck would even try to stay with him after the amount of time and drama it took.

Donghyuck laughed, moving his head back to look at him. He placed his hands on Mark's cheeks, "why on earth would I want to do that? Why would I give up the only time I feel confident in my feelings and your feelings?"

Mark bit his lip, running his thumb across Donghyuck's skin under his shirt. "It took so long though," he whispered.

"And?" the blue haired boy giggled, "I told you I'd wait as long as you need."

"But like," Mark sighed, rolling on to his back and shuffling Donghyuck on to his stomach. He carefully brushed Donghyuck's hair away from his face, losing his thoughts in the younger's eyes. Though to be fair who wouldn't. Mark couldn't blame anyone for staring longingly at Donghyuck whatsoever. Not only was he a funny, kind, wonderful, amazing person but also flippin stunning. It'd be weirder if they didn't even do a double take.

Donghyuck giggled, pecking Mark's forehead, "hey, idiot, you didn't finish your sentence."

"Hm?" Mark blinked, coming back to reality to see Donghyuck laughing into his chest.

Donghyuck sighed, looking up with a bright smile before pressing lips to Mark's. He settled on Mark's hips, cupping his face gently as Mark kissed him. Mark sighed quietly in bliss, biting gently on the younger's lip, his fingers softly dragging down the boy's neck. He traced down his collar bones before hooking his fingers into Donghyuck's shirt, tilting his head slightly as he unconsciously moaned into the younger's mouth.

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