54: welcome to Guess The Child

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"Will you get over it?" Mark huffed, glaring at the older man.

Yuta continued his stifled giggles, biting his hand. "I'm sorry it's just-," he couldn't even finish his sentence, doubling over in laughter, holding desperately to Kun's shoulder.

Kun looked down to him as Yuta's face slowly turned red the longer he laughed, "it's not really that funny, dude."

"Oh but it is," Yuta wheezed as he stood up, "TOLERATE! You tolerate him now, like he's a fucking milk or something!" he fell to the floor, rolling in laughter as Mark simply pouted deeply.

Jaemin rested his head on the back of the chair as he watched the teacher before him dying on the floor, "are you sure you're a legal adult?"

Yuta inhaled deeply, sitting up and pointing at him. "Fuck you," he spoke in a deadpanned voice.

Shotaro scratched his head, muttering something in Japanese which caught Yuta's attention. He scrambled over to him, holding the boy by the shoulders. He shook him, screaming in distraught Japanese. The younger boy simply laughed in response before snapping back at him. Yuta's eyes grew, gapping at the younger before rolling away, yelling in various languages about the pain he was in after being insulted.

Shotaro looked around at all the guys looking at him in varying degrees of confusion. He shrugged, "he wasn't."

Sungchan pursed his lips as he blinked at him, "Babe, no one knows what you said."

"Not my problem," Shotaro sighed, sinking down his chair.

Jeno shuffled into the room holding multiple containers of food. After closing the door behind him with his foot, he placed the food down on the table before turning to Yuta and squinting down at him.

"Is he still laughing about this?" Jeno sighed with a raised eyebrow, moving his eyes to Kun's direction.

Renjun snorted, swirling his food around his container, "Nah, Shotaro put him in his place."

"Ah," Jeno clicked his jaw, taking the bottom most container and sliding the top two to Jaemin.

"Oh by the way," Mark snapped his fingers to Shotaro and Sungchan, "I've been meaning to ask, are you two together or?"

Both boys' faces fell into disgust, scrunching their faces with frowns as they turned to look at one another.

"God no, I'm straight," Sungchan gagged.

"I'm bi but I would not go for him," Shotaro eyed him up and down, "not my type."

"Exactly, it's weird an- did you just say I'm not your type?!" Sungchan sat up in his chair, glaring at the older boy.

"WHY WOULD YOU BE MY TYPE?!" Shotaro sat up himself yelling at him.

"UH, CAUSE I'M FUCKING AMAZING?! HELLO?!" Sungchan clasped at his chest in offence.

"YEAH!" Haechan yelled randomly, wanting to contribute to the chaos, Mark looking down and rubbing his temples in embarrassment.

Renjun looked at him, "Um hello? If Sungchan's not his type, he's not his type."

"I AM EVERYONE'S TYPE WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU SAYING OLD MAN?" Sungchan snapped at Renjun, causing the boy to shoot up from his seat.



"WELL HE AINT MINE!" Shotaro argued back.

Renjun nodded sharply, "MINE NEITHER!"

Sungchan narrowed his eyes at him, "That's cause your fucking type is Yangyang, you bitch."

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