58: the notebook as a movie is a waste of time

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Jeno had to stop somersaulting around the room when he hit his head on the base of the fireplace. He groaned, instantly clasping his head and rolling away as he whined in pain.

Mark snickered, muttering "dude" while falling back on Renjun.

Jaemin sighed, dragging his feet to his pathetic ass boyfriend. "Babe," he lightly kicked his arm, "why do you keep doing this to yourself?"

"I don't know," Jeno whimpered, making grabby hands at his boyfriend. Jaemin shook his head, reluctantly pulling him up. Once Jeno was on his feet, he flicked the side of his head.

"Hey," Jeno pouted, rubbing his head, "why would you do that?"

"Cause you're an idiot," Jaemin chuckled.

Jeno sighed, wrapping his arms around Jaemin's waist and resting his head on his shoulder. The younger rubbed the side of his head, pecking his forehead and quietly asking something that only Jeno could pick up on. Mark pursed his lips as Jeno mumbled an inaudible response to Jaemin.

Renjun tapped his shoulder, "what's sappier, The Notebook or their entire fucking relationship?"

Mark snorted, "wouldn't know, never watched it."

"Good," the younger laughed, "two hours of my life I will never get back."

Mark exhaled as he sank down with a frown, "well that's lovely cause Hyuck is making me watch it one of these days."

"Ew, good luck," Renjun pet his head in sympathy.

The door slammed open, all the boys turning their heads to the sound of Yangyang's voice screaming down the hall. Mark stifled a sneeze upon seeing the sunlight, huffing before listening to Yangyang's lament.

"I'M FUCKING PISSED!" he screeched, the door slamming once again. A few moments later, he appeared in sight, seemingly fuming and sad.

Haechan rubbed the bridge of his nose, "please stop."

"NO! WHERE IS TAEYONG I NEED TO RANT!" he yelled out into the room, looking up the stairs to see if anyone was there.

"You know it's 'hyung' to you, right?" Yangyang whipped around to see Taeyong looking at him skeptically through his glasses.

Yangyang rolled his eyes, throwing his arms up, "fine, hyung, I'm gonna commit murder." Haechan sighed, pushing Mark's legs off the couch and sitting beside him as he covered his face in shame and disappointment.

Taeyong blinked at him with a semi annoyed look before shaking his head, "fine, why?"

"MY FLIPPIN DRAMA WENT TO SHIT!" he complained, sinking to the floor in despair. Groaning, Haechan fell sideways on to Mark, crossing his arms and raising his knees to his chest.

Taeyong took a sip of his coffee as Jaemin shot up from his seat, "WAIT DON'T SAY ANYTHING! I STILL HAVEN'T STARTED!"

"Don't even fucking bother," Yangyang sighed, rolling on the floor until he was in front of the young couple. "Waste of my fucking time, didn't even clean up shit."

"But...the gay...no," Jaemin said quietly, pouting as he sat back down. He took Jeno back into his arms as he asked Yangyang to go on.

As Yangyang began to ramble on, Haechan sat up, staring up with a dead expression at Mark, "I've been hearing this shit for about two hours now."

"Could've watched The Notebook," Mark mumbled unconsciously causing Renjun to snort.

Mark sighed, ruffling his hair as he sat up properly before opening his arms to the younger. Haechan grinned, falling into the elder's embrace.

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