2: Jeno is the worst support you could have

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"Hyung, can you be allergic to people?"

Jeno snorted at his elder brother's ridiculous question as he walked over to the fridge. Taeyong frowned, placing the knife down for a moment to think.
"How on Earth can someone be allergic to another person," Jeno laughed, sitting at the stool beside Mark.
Taeyong chuckled quietly, "Yeah, I'm sorry Minhyungie but you can't really be allergic to another person, you can be allergic to something they wear or use though."

Mark frowned, resting his chin on his hand. As far as Mark was concerned, he was only allergic to sunlight, nothing else. So he didn't understand why suddenly his body just flared up in the presence of the new kid.

Jeno swivelled in his chair, "why do you want to know, hyung?"
Mark rolled his shoulders back, "Haechan, the new kid, I just got like, super...blegh you know."
Jeno frowned, about to respond when Taeyong cut him off.

"Mark, down."

Mark shut his eyes tight, facing downward as Taeyong opened the pantry cupboard. Though it sounded commanding, it helped Mark not sneeze so much as that was caused by photosensitivity or his 'photic sneeze reflex' rather than his allergy. Basically, in bright light or sunlight, he'd sneeze reflexively, sometimes continuously, especially since it was aggravated by his allergy. He may not be able to avoid it in the sun, but he was able to avoid it in his own home, only not being able to see the pantry and Taeyong's home office. The lights in there were too bright and would cause a response, which tired him out even more. So a simple saying helped him from constantly heaving air out of his lungs at alarming rates.


Mark opened his eyes at the word, blinking to adjust back to the soft amber hues of home. Minimal lighting, places lit only with warm orange lights, some covered in different fabrics to limit exposure, just the way he needed.

Liked? Well, he didn't know. It wasn't like he knew anything else.

Mark sighed, leaning his head onto his Jeno's shoulder. "so you think you're allergic to Haechan?" the younger scoffed. Mark frowned, knowing it sounded stupid as he nodded slowly.
"Well why do you think this?" Taeyong asked as he diced the carrots.
"Well my sneezing became worse in his presence and when I shook his hand, my hand felt like it was on fire."
Jeno smirked, poking Mark arm, "you sure you're not just blushing, hyung."
Mark lifted his head from his shoulder, giving him a glare, "I'm pretty damn sure my skin doesn't start to bubble when I blush, dickhead."

"Bubble?!" Taeyong looked up in panic, his parent instinct kicking in making Mark panic.
"No no no," Mark shook his head rapidly, "I'm fine, hyung, don't worry, it was only a little bit, it wasn't like, full blown hives."
Taeyong narrowed his eyes at the younger, nodding slowly as he went back to his cooking. He knew Mark didn't like bothering him more than he needed to, which he was grateful for sometimes but worried him. Mark acknowledged that being the main guardian for the boys was tough and juggling that with his duties at the school was stressful on Taeyong, so he tried to keep out of his hair as much as possible. But it worried Taeyong a lot when Mark shut away from him. He doesn't find his roles half as hard as they seem and cared a lot for both his siblings in times of distress. However it didn't stop Mark from beating around the bush until something got to him.

Mark bit his lip, "but like, even his smile made me, like, hurt all over."
Jeno snorted, "did it now?"
"Jeno, seriously," Mark rolled his eyes, throwing his arms in the air, "I...I had an allergic reaction in the presence of some new guy and now I'm concerned, okay, give me a break."
Jeno giggled, muttering an apology as he grinned.

Taeyong sighed as he continued, all three boys sitting in silence as they thought it over. It really didn't seem right. Mark had never had a reaction this bad in normal sunlight since he was a baby, let alone indoors in front of some rando. "Maybe a perfume?"
Mark shook his head, "Jeno has the same one, I've never had a reaction."
"maybe a cleaning product?"
"doubt it."

Jeno snickered all of a sudden, causing both boys to give him their attention. "Kinda ironic Marko has an allergic reaction to a guy who's name means like...shine bright...full sun."

Mark narrowed his eyes downwards. That...that cannot be the answer. He refused to believe that he was having allergic reactions around the boy because he was fucking nicknamed "full sun"
"He seemed like a sunny person but I really don't think that's right, Nono," Taeyong huffed.

Mark sank into his chair, slowly sliding off the wood. The boy seemed sweet as well, he really didn't need this. In the small amount of time he spent with the new kid, with Haechan, he had grown to like him. Though he was a bit loud, his bubbly, outgoing persona seemed to put everyone in a good mood, everyone just eager for him to tell stories and jokes and his little commentary.

"I don't wanna be allergic to him though," Mark unconsciously frowned.
"Well," Taeyong dusted his hands off, placing them on his hips, "If this persists, I'm gonna have to just separate you two, I can't have you disturbing classes because of some pretty boy."

Mark's shoulders slumped, sliding all the way down. He really wished this wasn't happening.

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