39: back to the streets where we began~

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"Hey kiddo."

Mark turned to his window being slid up, Johnny walking out on to the roof. Johnny stood up straight stretching upwards as he inhaled the fresh air. He hummed for a moment as he dropped his arms, going over and sitting beside the young boy.

"Been a long time since I've been here," Johnny looked over the clustered houses of their area, smiling contently to himself as he took in the familiar setting.

Mark chuckled, flicking bits of broken tiling of the roof, "yeah it has."

The elder looked towards him, "anything change?"

"Dunno," Mark shrugged, scratching the shillings, "everything feels the same."

Johnny chuckled, "except the fact that I don't live there anymore," he pointed over to the house next door. "This room is not yours and Taeyong's anymore," he looked back into Mark's room. "and you know, you're all grown up."

Mark exhaled softly, lips falling into a pout, "I don't feel very grown up."

Johnny laughed, turning his head to the sky, "you never do."

Mark finally looked up, staring up at Johnny for a moment before turning to break in the houses, the gap to the city lights.

"Everything been alright?" Johnny asked, poking Mark's shoulder.

He simply shrugged in response, raising his knees and wrapping his arms around them. "I think I'm just tired."

"Sleepy tired or wanting this to finish tired?"

"Both," Mark chuckled, "too much shit has happened."

Johnny nodded slowly, patting Mark's shoulder, "but I think the worst has happened."

"I guess," Mark frowned, "still sucks though."

Johnny smiled, slinging his arm around the younger, "yeah, it does."

Mark let his head rest on the elder boy's shoulder, staring through Haechan's window at his blinds. The boy was out for the weekend with his family, he had called earlier to tell him. What Mark was hoping for was just a quiet night, to stare at the sky and the city and hope they came crashing into him. Things were getting better, but he was still a year 12 student with a stupid ass allergy, he was passing, not really succeeding and other worldly problems. There was worse, but it could always be better.

"Haechan lives there now," Mark pointed to the glass in front of him.

"Ah," Johnny snickered, "that explains the heart eyes."

"Shut up," Mark punched his arm, his face heating up slightly, "no one asked."

Johnny tapped his chin with an evil grin, "remember..."

Mark's eyes widened, pulling himself off the elder. He pointed at his face, "don't."

"When you..."

"Johnny no."


"I'm gonna kick you off the roof."


Mark groaned as Johnny laughed loudly, the young boy curling into himself. With a pout he silently cursed at his younger self.

"Aww, it was cute, Minhyungie," Johnny cooed, poking Mark's flushed cheek.

"I was fucking 12, cut me some slack, bitch," Mark kicked at Johnny's leg.

"Ah it was so cute though, was I your first love, Minhyung-ah?" Johnny giggled, rocking Mark's shoulders side to side.

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