63: renyang content

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Yangyang's weak for galaxy eyes

Renjun froze slightly as he heard footsteps in the sand come toward him. He swallowed slightly as the person sat beside him, yet exhaled once he realised who it was shuffling on the sand.

"Hi," Yangyang looked at him with a smile.

Renjun flushed, "hi, Yangyang."

Yangyang giggled, leaning over and pinching the smaller's cheek, "I refuse to believe you are older than me."

"Hey," Renjun flicked his arm.

Yangyang just chuckled, pressing his hands into the sand behind him.

"Kunhang and Xiaojun are together."

"Oh...I'm sorry."

Yangyang exhaled, "nah don't be... Kunhang's cool and all but l...I dunno I just...I'm not fazed."

Renjun wasn't going to lie when he felt a wave of relief or happiness wash through him when he said that. He had liked Yangyang for lord knows how long now, not that it was a surprise or well hidden, and the idea that Yangyang wasn't so attached to his former crush made him guiltily happy.

"I mean, if you want to, you could ask to join them," Renjun giggled.

Yangyang scrunched his face a tiny bit, "I don't like XiaoJun like that, and I don't think I like Kunhang anymore."

"Well that's good."

Yangyang chuckled, tilting his head to the smaller, "is it now?"

Renjun laughed with a shrug, "I dunno, maybe."

Yangyang laughed with the boy before both settled, sinking their hands into the sand behind them as they looked to the pink and purple clouds.

"You forget, don't you?"

Yangyang turned to look at the smaller boy looking up, cocking his head.

"You never forget what the sunset looks like, of course. It's been written and told in so many stories the different hues blending to create the perfect colourful array of twilight. But you forget how you feel when you see it. The sense of home as day turns to night. The bustle of the sunlight calming down into the quiet of the moonlight. Not silent enough to be the darkness, but just a murmur, the sound of comfort." Renjun inhaled softly, "I think...I think I like the sunset more than day or night."

"You like when the night and day blend."

Renjun nodded, completely muted and entranced by the world around him

Yangyang smiled, his eyes sparkling in the setting sun's glow.

Renjun turned to face the younger, "do you like the sunset?"

Yangyang gazed up, sighing quietly with a nod.

"Of course."


"Cause it reminds me of you."

Yangyang looked back to Renjun turning away and flushing, mumbling a small "oh" under his breath. Renjun may have been spellbound by the sky but it seemed that Yangyang had the same effect the sunset had on him. A sense of comfort, of home.

"...stop staring at me."

"I'm not staring."

Renjun turned to glare at the boy just gazing softly at him as if he were the sunset before them. His lips tilted up, pushing him back to which Yangyang just giggled slightly at.

The smaller boy looked to him for a moment, slowly calming his heart and breathing around him before shuffling himself near him, resting his head on Yangyang's shoulder. Yangyang moved his arm around him, pulling him close to his chest and holding on to his hand, running his fingers across the scars that ran round coarsely around his wrist.

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