34: the more you know🌈

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"Nana's okay?"

Jaemin looked up to Renjun, smiling at him. "Yeah, I'm fine."

Renjun nodded, reaching over and taking his hand into his own, rubbing his knuckles. He chuckled softly, "hey at least we don't have matching scars."

Jaemin reached over, lightly hitting Renjun's head with a laugh.


Renjun turned his head slowly to the teacher supervising, "I didn't say anything."

Mr Qian semi glared at the younger, Renjun giving a sheepish smile back. "Sir, I'm fine."

"I know, but still," Kun's eyes softened, standing up and walking over to the table.

Jeno leaned over the table, flicking Renjun's shoulder, "don't make jokes, idiot."

"Hey," Renjun sat up defensively as Kun placed both hands on his shoulders, "at least I can make jokes."

Kun shook his head, hugging Renjun from behind, "child."

"Parent." Renjun turned his head to him, "look, I'm just trying to lighten the room a tiny bit but not take away from the problem."

"There's no problem," Jaemin shook his head, looking toward Jeno, "everything's a-okay."

Jeno hummed in agreement, placing a peck on his boyfriend's forehead.

Renjun held Jaemin's hands, pressing a kiss into his knuckles, "why didn't you tell us, Minnie?"

"I didn't want y'all to worry," Jaemin rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly, "the worst of it had passed already, I just needed to now process it." Renjun hummed in response, nodding as he understood. "Besides, it had been a long time since things had happened, I didn't think...I just thought I had more time."

"Convince the people around you things were still fine, convince yourself," Mark folded his arms. Jaemin looked to him with a nod.

He then turned to Jeno, smiling warmly at him, "unfortunately some people know me too well." He pecked Jeno's lips, the elder boy smiling back at him and nuzzling his hair. "Was I that off?"

"Yeah," Jisung spoke up, "we just had to leave you in Jeno's hands."

Jaemin ruffled the younger's hair, acknowledging the worry of his friends. He thanked them but assured them he was fine, Jeno coiled around his waist.

The door burst open yet again shockingly. Everyone stared at the boy at the door. Mark raised his arms in reflex, shielding out the light. The boys looked from him to the previously locked door, part of the handle on the floor now and the strike plate now hanging by one screw, swinging slowly. No one was really surprised though, it was more just shock from the sound. Everyone knew how chaotic Yangyang was anyway. Kun looked up, arms around Renjun's shoulders still as he glared at him.

"The fuck did I walk into?" he flicked his wrist toward the teacher back hugging the student. Yeah, definitely looked strange to those who did not know.

"...the door, fuckwit," Chenle scolded. Yangyang looked down in surprise at the younger boy swearing at him but nevertheless went over and closed the door, slightly wedging the stopper so that the door wouldn't fully shut and lock them in. He apologised to Mark, making the older boy sigh in response, honestly he should get used to this.

"This is normal," Renjun pointed to Kun, the elder simply nodding and patting Renjun's head.

Yangyang blinked, a disgusted frown slowly making its way to his lips, "...is there something I should know?"

Both Renjun and Kun looked to one another for a moment before turning and shaking their heads at the confused boy in the doorway, simultaneously muttering a "no" in response.

Jisung snorted, rubbing his hands on his face, "please stop fucking with him."

"Right," Jaemin clapped and gestured toward them, "they're star crossed lovers."

Renjun and Kun immediately recoiled in disgust, their faces scrunching up. Jeno smacked Jaemin's shoulder, the younger flinching slightly. After apologising quickly, Jeno scolded him, Jaemin laughing and trying to defend himself.

Mark groaned, standing up and gaining Yangyang's attention, "Mr Qian is Renjun's dad."

"Guardian," Renjun corrected as Mark slumped back into his seat, "like I'd want to be related to him by blood."

Jeno stretched up, "yeah never want that." Kun glared at him, Jeno lowering his arms slowly with a guilty grin, "sorry, hyung."

Kun clicked his tongue, moving away from the table and walking up to Yangyang, hands on hips. "How are you going to explain yourself?" he nodded toward the broken door bits.

Yangyang glanced at the parts on the floor for a moment before turning his head back with an awkward chuckle.

"Mr Liu," Mr Qian spoke firmly, "you'll need to pay for these repairs."

Yangyang bowed to the teacher, apologising with a shaky voice. "Of course sir, I'll pay for this."

Jaemin leaned over to Jeno, whispering into his ear just loud enough for Mark to catch. "Yangyang just met his in-law, that's why he's being nice."

Jeno covered his mouth, stifling his laughter, Jisung mirroring his actions. Meanwhile Mark and Chenle burst into loud laughter, cackling as Chenle threw himself on to Jisung and Mark fell to the ground. Renjun slid in his seat, covering his bright red face as he reached the floor.

"Is there a reason you're here?" Mr Qian asked with a raised eyebrow.

Yangyang looked over to the table, pointing at Renjun for a moment before his face dropped, slowly circling around the entire group with his finger. "Friends."

Mr Qian bit his lip, stifling his laughter, "well I'm sorry, Mr Liu, but you cannot be in here without a legitimate reason, it's against school rules. I can talk to Mr Lee for you though."

Yangyang bowed respectfully, thanking the teacher. He turned on his heels, muttering a goodbye as he walked out the door.

Once the door was as closed as it could be, Kun burst out into laughter, the boys following as well as Renjun whined quietly in his seat. Kun bit his knuckle, sitting down next to his adoptive son.

"Quite the catch that one is."

"Shut the fuck up, old man."

Kun chuckled, patting Renjun's back, "look you're 18, I don't care as long as you're safe."

Renjun nodded awkwardly, covering the side of his face with his hand. Yangyang didn't even like him, he liked Kunhang. What the hell was this old man thinking?

"Just don't do anything spicy while I'm home, thanks."



Author-nim is trying to post more so that they are guilted into finishing the story off

it's not working

they only need to write two more parts

lazy bastard

- From Jeno Leeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

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