16: unlike Rose, Yangyang would never let go

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"HE LIVES!" Yangyang ran up to Mark, jumping into his arms as he entered the classroom. Mr Moon laughed in the background, prodding his tteokbokki while Mark tried to to push the younger boy off of him

"Don't you have a pudu to go back to," Mark complained, lacking in strength as Yangyang wrapped himself further onto him.

"Haechannie's got stuff to catch up on," Yangyang spoke, tightly gripping the elder's shirt.

The rest of the guys started to file in, minus Jisung, all of them staring at the two as they entered.

Jeno removed his arm from around Jaemin, going to pull Yangyang off of Mark.

"What the fuck," he muttered as he tugged. For some unknown reason, Yangyang was really fucking strong, to the point where it was both impressive and concerning.

Renjun shrugged his jacket off, going behind Mark and trying to pull him in the opposite way. Even with both Renjun and Jeno's force, Yangyang was reluctant and none of them could move him, somehow gripping even tighter causing Mark to wheeze the air out of his lungs.

"What the fuck is this," Jeno groaned, gritting his teeth as he attempted to yank the boy off of Mark. The eldest of the four was desperately trying to push Yangyang off of him.

Jaemin turned to the teacher present, pointing to them with a frown. Mr Moon simply shrugged, "not my problem."

"But isn't it?" Jaemin asked as Chenle decided to join, pushing his hands between Mark and Yangyang in order to try to push them off one another.

Mr Moon looked at the disaster before him, the five boys whining and yelling at one another as they pushed and pulled at each other. He assessed the situation for a brief moment before looking back down at his food with a snort, "as long as Mark doesn't die, I'm good."

Jaemin looked back, seeing Jeno's arms wrapped around Yangyang's waist, literally trying to rip the boy away, whereas Yangyang now clung onto Mark's shoulder, his legs loosening their grip around his waist, both of them screaming at each other. Chenle squeezed his way between Mark and his clingy leech before punching them both sharply in the stomach. Mark and Yangyang groaned, Yangyang finally releasing, sending both him and Jeno down to the ground with Renjun and Mark mirroring.

"I've known you all for almost five months," Chenle spoke with his hands on his hips, looking back and forth between the sets of children on the floor, "and I can tell you, you never fail to surprise me with your stupidity."

"Why thank you Chenle," Jeno responded squeakily. He pulled himself off the floor while Yangyang rolled away in pain, and he brushed his shirt down. He cleared his throat, "I'm glad your korean improved enough to insult us."

"Yes," Mark moaned out, turning and clutching onto Renjun's shirt in pain, "how nice of you."

Chenle giggled, helping to pull the rest of the guys up before Jisung busted through the door.

"Kim. New. Ohmygosh. Yong. MARK!" Jisung gasped as he entered. Mark winced slightly, backing up into the corner as the light came through the door and holding back a sneeze, but it seemed that Jisung was too in shock to realise.

Mr Moon looked up as Jaemin quietly went and closed the door, "Slow down, kid, what happened."

"We have a new art teacher."

Renjun's ears perked, "wait really, what happened to Mrs Shon?"

Jisung shook his head rapidly, "I-I dunno but new teacher very bad news."

Yangyang cocked his head, moving his arm around Renjun's shoulders, "why?"

Jisung looked at Jeno, then Mark, "Mr Kim."

"Huh?" Jeno shoved his hands in his pockets, "like junior science Mr Kim?"

"No!" Jisung yelped, now looking at Mr Moon, the gears slowly shifting in his head as his face fell.


Mark looked up, eyes wide.


Mark looked at Taeil, shared fear suddenly coursing through their veins.

Jeno spluttered, "how, he wasn't even doing a teaching degree."

Taeil moved away from the desk to the guys standing in shock. Well most of them.

"Who is Kim Dongyoung?" Chenle cocked his head.

Jisung turned to him before walking up and cupping his cheeks, "you don't worry your pretty little head about it, okay. It will be dealt with soon enough."

Chenle looked up at him, his cheeks now burning but he opted to ignore as his eyes now glittered with curiosity, "is he bad?"

"No," Mark said sharply, startling the poor boy. Mark sent him an apologetic look before explaining himself, "Kim Dongyoung is good, but, bad experiences."

Taeil crossed his arms, "Taeyongie wouldn't know of it yet would he. Principal Byun would've hired him."

"Even if there was some sort of burnt history between them, Taeyong would have to hire on skill alone," Renjun interjected.

"You underestimated just how much this flame burned, Injun," Jeno looked back at him with an uncertain look.

Mark bit his lip, his mind working as quickly as possible to come up with a solution. Kim Dongyoung wasn't bad. Very far from it actually, he was one of the kindest, most sweetest, most generous people you could ever meet. A person whose first impression lasted until they left their lives forever.

But a bad memory followed him. The people who are the kindest and sweetest and generous tend to leave the most long lasting, excruciatingly painful memories in everyone else's subconscious. Kim Dongyoung was no exception to this rule. Unmendable heartbreak attached itself to him like the stars burned into the sky.

"Hey Sung, remember Mr Choi?" Mark looked to see an evil smirk fall upon the younger's face.

"Of course."

"Then you know what to do," Mark nodded at him.

"And get Haechan to help."

Sunshine | Markhyuckजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें