8: whipped for Haechan culture is strong

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"All night?" Jeno hiked his bag up slightly as they walked, "you texted all damn night?"

Mark paused to sneeze before nodding as they continued through the school yard.

"Yeah," Mark sniffled, itching his hand, "it's not that big of a deal."

"Yeah, except that it is," Jeno rolled his eyes dramatically.

Mark pushed his brother, "it really isn't, this is your fault anyway."

Jeno huffed, "it wasn't supposed to be like this."

Mark shrugged, not understanding. He didn't get why it was a big deal. It was his only chance to talk to the boy without practically bursting into flames encountering him. It was practical. Maybe talking all night wasn't the right thing to do, but once he picked up his phone, he couldn't put it down. He guessed Haechan just had that effect on people, once you know him, you didn't want to back out.

"Guys!" Jisung yelled, bumbling up with his bag bouncing on his back, "wait up!"

Both boys turned as the lanky taller male ran up to them, grinning from ear to ear. "Hai," he waved.

Mark laughed before sneezing once more, his head starting to pound, "what's got you in a good mood."

"Hmm," Jisung swayed from side to side as they all walked together, Mark making sure they picked up their paces, "I was texting Chenle yesterday and I think we came to a conclusion."

"What's that?"

"Not telling."

Mark sighed as Jeno grumbled under his breath. I mean they both had a fair idea what was happening, but they still just wanted confirmation.

"Pleaseeeeeeeeee," Jeno whined, grabbing on to the youngers arm and pulling and pushing it, "please just tell us."

Jisung giggled, "okay, okay, you whiny shit, get off and I'll tell you."

Jeno stood up straight, his hands behind his back, eagerly waiting Jisung's response. Mark peered over his brother shoulder, seeing the younger smiling, swaying back and forth on his feet. Mark smirked, something or rather someone must be responsible for his giddiness. He "wondered" who it was.

"so, I think, I'm pretty sure," Jisung swayed, "I like the new kid."

Jeno laughed, clapping his friend on the back, "aye I'm proud of you, you got this while talking to Chenle?"

"Yeah," Jisung sighed dreamily, "he's just like, perfect, he's so pretty and kind, I want to get to know him more."

"Well I'm sure you will," Mark smiled warmly at him, hoping the best for his friend.

"he's even got a pretty name, no offence, Mark hyung."

Jeno furrowed his eyebrows, chuckling a bit, "why would Mark be offended?"

"Cause, you know," Jisung gestured to Mark as they walked inside the film room, being the first ones inside, "sun thing."


"Wait," Jeno waved his hand in front Jisung's face, "new kid?"

"Yeah," Jisung shook his head, "you know, Haechan."

Mark's face fell, his chest and heart knotting up for a reason he didn't quite understand. A sudden urge to attack the younger, a gross feeling of...jealousy? maybe? building within him, and the idea of wanting to just scream at him. Obviously though there was no reason to, the boy had a crush, there was no harm done. Mark looked, playing with the hem of his hoodie, his hands slightly drier due to sun exposure. Why did he feel like this?

"Wait," Jeno's eyes were wide, "I thought you were talking about Chenle."

Jisung scrunched his nose, "why would I be talking about Chenle?"

"I-I don't know."

Jisung laughed while shaking his head, patting Jeno's shoulder before walking off into his corner, slipping on his headphones. As he hummed the tune, Mark pushed his hood back, running his hands through his hair as Jeno turned to him.

"You good?"

Mark shrugged, "I mean yeah I guess, why wouldn't I be." He knew he was lying, but for some damn reason, he didn't know why.

Jeno frowned, "cause," Jeno gestured with his head toward the younger, "hamster lad and sunny boy."

Mark snorted, "it's fine, again, why wouldn't it be."

Jeno stared at Mark blankly, "are you really dense or stupid?"

"Probably both, what the fuck are you saying."

Jeno groaned in despair, "you're a fucking idiot aren't you." Jeno pouted in contemplation, "okay since you're such an idiot how about this, say you liked Haechan, like, like like, the way I feel for Jaemin like, how would you feel after hearing Ji?"

"As myself?"

Jeno nodded.

Mark felt himself cave into his own body, his consciousness folding in itself as he mulled it over, getting sadder and sadder as he thought about for a reason he didn't know.

"I-I...I wouldn't do anything," Mark stuttered, "I...I want...I would want both of them to be happy with one another. I can't be near him and that just wouldn't work with us, but Jisung can. Jisung can make him happy and if Haechan could be happy with him I wouldn't stop them."

It was true. Even for some reason he ever was into Haechan, he physically couldn't be with him, and that would probably tear him to pieces. He understood that people had long distance relationships but he never understood how. How someone could be without holding them for as long as possible for as many nights as possible? How they could go on without the warmth of knowing this person was only a call away from their embrace and comfort? How one could deal without touch of the one they love most?

"Even if you would've wanted him."

Mark paused for a moment, that unmistakable feeling of wanting to cry just bottling up in his throat as he put his bag down. He looked over to the singing boy, watching Jisung scroll through his phone with a smile. He looked back down at his hands, red and scratched from the past few minutes they were outside. Haechan deserved a person he could actually fucking live with that, not someone who'd start blistering in his wake.

Mark swallowed, "even if I want him."

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