Test, Kagura,and Master?

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The teacher said "your finals scores should be posted if you are failing in any subject you will be taking make up exams on Sunday." The whole class groaned. She said "I don't wanna hear it you should be great full that your teachers are giving you this second chance.

Uotani said "tell'em if they don't wanna do makeups that shouldn't hav failed in the first place right y/n, Toruh I'm sure you both passed. Tohru was sulking while I was putting my thumb up. Uotani went up and said " Tohru you don't look so good. Well let's hear it did you fail." She did a small head nod while I sweat dropped. I said "well how many did you fail?" She put up one finger.

Hana came up and said "if it makes you feel better I failed all of them." My jaw dropped as Uotani said "well if anyone outta be depressed it's Hana." Yuki came up and Tohru jumped over and sulked on the ground feeling to ashamed to talk to the man who mostly helped her study I also helped her but in ways she wouldn't think of it because I knew If she failed one she would be ashamed to look at me.

Yuki went over and told her it was okay as Hana was a little to calm for failing all of her exams while me on the other hand not to brag passed all of them. (Can't relate irl)

After school I walked home with Yuki I heard Tohru was sick so I went to go check on her but I saw Kyo making her food I smirked seeing he actually cares for her. Yuki came up and said "um y/n do you want to help me make practice questions or a Tohru so that she can study them for her test?" I said "yeah that's a good idea and I think that Kyos got her covered."

Me and Yuki went up to her room making questions for Toruh to study we talked about questions that would work for her and what would most likely be on the test. I sat next to him as we were finished with it we both turned to each other at the same time our faces only like 4 inches apart. Our faces were both red as I quickly jumped up and said "let's uh go take this to her!"

I practically bolted out of the room as Yuki followed as we gave the notebook full of questions and notes to her she was very great full.

Later in the week after Tohru took her retake test we were all walking in the rain with our umbrellas Tohru had a pink one I had red Kyo had Orange and Yuki had a blue one. We were walking across the street Kyo stayed back and Tohru went up. I knew something was really wrong when Yuki insulted him and he could barely yell at him.

Kyo suddenly bent over and Tohru said "I can carry your umbrella for you if you can't." Kyo hugged and yelled "I'm not a weakling! I don't need a girl to carry my umbrella for me!" She then said "uh if you want I can carry you in your cat form if you want." Kyo blushed and then yelled once again as I smacked the back of his head lightly as Yuki said "come on let's go." We walked Toruh apologized they were suddenly flirting but Tohru didn't know Kyo was smiling he was pretty clueless as well.

Once we got home it stopped raining and Kyo yelled at the fact as if the clouds hated him. Once Kyo opens the door we saw Kagura I rolled my eyes at her as Kyo slammed the door in her face I stifled a laugh as Tohru looked worried. Kagura asked why the door shut and Kyo tried to stop her from being around him but she punched a hole in the door.

We went inside and I laughed at Shigure as she cried over his now broken door because of Kagura. He pouted as I smacked his back repeatedly. Shigure then saw his table fly up and heard Kagura yelling almost instantly he jumped up and threw Kyo in her arms and she set the table down super carefully and hugged Kyo.

Shigure said "why don't you guys go out like on a date or something?" Kyo yelled in disagreement while Kagura cheered with happiness. Kyo yelled "What would we even do?!?!?" Shigure said "hmm Toruh you should give them your shopping list and they can go for you." Kagura smiled and cheered while Kyo sulked.

Once Kagura got the list she grabbed Kyo by his collar and bolted out the door or well more like through the door it broke into pieces as she busted through it.

I plopped down on the floor feeling drained from the day as Shigure said "I will make sure to take money out of their bank accounts to pay for the damages." Toruh said "Kyo has a bank account?" Shigure said " mhm Yuki here has one to he gets money deposited from the family every month." Yuki looked almost ashamed of the fact so I didn't say anything to him. Shigure said "uh why don't you guys go in a date?"

I said "yeah! Let's go! I grabbed Toruh and Yukis arms taking them upstairs so we could change figuring that we would go to Yukis secret base aka the garden. Once we got dressed we went outside I heard Kyo and Kagura yelling I guess they were back now.

I saw a man in a I think Kimono with long hair and an umbrella standing there. He turned to Kyo yelling at Kagura and said in a stern voice "Kyo." He turned and met the mans figure the man said "you look well... Kyo." Kyo looked shocked and said "Master."

To be continued 👀

Hope you enjoy sorry for any misspellings love ya.😁💕

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