Dark Haru

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I was walking back from doing some student council stuff with Yuki and I heard Kyo yelling like usual. Yuki opens the door and I saw Momiji there so I hugged him like I usually do and Yuki said "oh why are you here isn't your home room about to start?" Tohru said "yeah didn't you have something to tell us?" Momiji said in a happy voice "oh ya Haru went dark and is going on a rampage in class!" The whole room went dark. Kyo said "and you waited till now to tell us!?"

We all walked down to the room and I saw people gathered at the door and broken glass coming out of the room. Yuki said "you should all go while I talk to him." The girls nodded and moved to the side but stayed I rolled my eyes such nosey people. We walked in the room and Kyo said "at least he didn't transform yet." I nodded and we went over Yuki called out his name and he replied with a harsh "What!?"

Yuki said "you wanna tell us what's going on?" Haru said "I'm blowin off some steam. Or isn't it freaking obvious? Whatcha gonna do huh? You gonna stop me get ready to kill or get killed." Kyo went up and said "you can't be causing trouble like this it causes problems for the rest of us ya know?" Haru said "shut up you stupid cat. You cause problems for the rest of us just by standing there and breathing." Kyo said "go on say that again I dare ya."

I rolled my eyes at them they are probably gonna fight and me and Yuki are going to have to break it up. Yuki said "he's baiting you stupid cat." Kyo said "then do something!!!" Yuki said "Haru I don't know what's wrong but school isn't the place for this." Haru said "always the worry wart Princess Yuki. Afraid I might loose control and accidentally transform? Then we would all go down?"

Yuki tried to say something till Haru yelled and said he was tired of hiding the secret of the Zodiacs and honestly I don't blame him it must be hard for them. Tohru said his name and went over and grabbed her I went to go punch him off but Kyo was already there Haru went flying into the near by desks. Kyo said " I don't care what your so pissed off about. Keep throwing your stupid tantrum in ya need to But leave Tohru out of it."

Haru went over and the arguing started again. They were now ready to fight I went over to stop them but our teacher poured water all over them and said "that is quite enough of that." I wanted to laugh but it wasn't the right time to.

Haru was sent to the office while we discussed what could have possibly happened to make him so mad. Haru came back up the stairs and we went over. Haru said "they called my mom she is coming to pick me up. Also Honda I'm sorry for getting so rough with you." I said "damn right you are." Tohru said "oh it's fine don't listen to her." I said "no i was about two seconds away from getting a dark side myself." Tohru just sweat dropped at me.

Yuki told us to head home without him I groaned knowing I had work at the Dojo. Kyo said "what were you thinking?!" I looked over to him talking to Tohru he said "you can't go around him when he's dark like that you will end up getting hurt!" I said "oh Kyon Kyon not worried about me?!" I said with a fake sad face on he said "no I know your more like a man than I am." I said "I'm gonna pretend I didn't hear that. Anyways you don't have to worry about her as long as I am around I would die before I let anything happen to her."

The next day out group for the trip was talking about what food we were going to eat I was so excited food is what gives me happiness these days. Yuki said "I know food is important but we'll see some temples right?" Uotani said "sure that will give us something to do in between meals." Uotani then yelled at Kyo to speak up of he will get to do nothing he wants to do but he brushed it off.

I heard Momiji yelling he opens the door and said "I have terrible news Haru has been apprehended ! He can't come to school anymore!!!!" Yuki said "apprehended or suspended?" Momiji said "oh suspended what does that mean? Doesn't that mean he can come back." Yuki said "luckily he didn't hurt anyone. They probably won't keep him out to long."

Later I was walking home with Yuki and Tohru when Yuki said that he was gonna go the the Soma estate I said "I can come with if you want." He said "no this is something I need to do alone." I smiled and so did Tohru as we agreed and he ran off as we headed to the store to get some stuff for dinner,

Once we got home Shigure was at the table and said "no Yuki?" I said " he went to the estate." He said "willingly?" Tohru said "uh-huh." Shigure said "well how bout that." I was honestly worried about Yuki a little bit with some of the memories that I have gotten from him I know he doesn't have good experiences there.

Later when it was time to eat me and Tohru waited till Yuki came home so we could eat together. I found myself getting closer and closer to this family but I knew that this wouldn't last forever.

Hey Thanks for reading hope you enjoyed. Again sorry to be a broken record but sorry for any misspellings.

Anyways my friend who reads this story told me I should make Y/n,Yuki and Machi a couple idk how I feel about that let me know.
But for now i am just working on it being Yuki and Y/n.

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