21 Stipulations

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When we arrived at the station a nice young female lawyer was waiting.

"I'm Ally Lowen. Here to represent Samantha Teller," she said.

Unser told her she had to wait as they processed me, which took way too long. My fingerprints and everything were in the system already. They shouldn't have needed to do this again, but they did.

"Your lawyer will be in," Unser said.

"Thanks," I said.

A few minutes later Lowen walked in and sat down across from me.

"What happened?" She asked. I told her everything I could remember from the night before and that morning. She just nodded and took notes.

"Why is your own mother pressing charges?" She asked.

"It's a power play. She's gotta prove she's in control of everything," I said.

"Even you?"

"And my daughter," I said.

After hours of questioning with Lowen and the cops, a deputy knock on the door.

"Gemma Teller called. Said she wanted to speak to Wayne," he said. I nodded and Wayne walked out, leaving Lowen and I alone.

"Just make sure my daughter goes to my brother if this shit goes south," I said.

"I don't think it will," she said.

"I hope you're right," I said.

Before long Wayne returned.

"Gemma is willing to drop the charges if you apologize. She's on her way," he said.

"Wayne, she would've done the same thing if people were talking shit about Clay," I said.

"I know that kid," he said. "Just apologize and walk away from this."

I nodded and waited for my mother to be brought in to me.

"I'm sorry," I said the second she was in the door. "I shouldn't have hit. It won't happen again."

"That a promise?"

"A promise to do my best," I said. I fought every urge to lash out with sarcasm. I couldn't do that right now. Now I needed to focus on being nice so she'd drop the charges.

"Look at me," she said. "Just admit that I was right."

"I will not do that. But I also will not hit you again," she said.

"You'd rather go to jail and lose that little Angel than admit your old man is fucked up?"

"Oh he's fucked up," I said. "From years of childhood trauma and abuse."

"Stay away from TM for a two weeks no pay," she said. I nodded and she walked out telling Wayne to drop the charges and cut me loose.

"Call Tig," I said.

"He's here already with Jax and your girl," Unser said. "Tig's been here all day and called Jax when Gemma showed up."

"Thanks," I said to Lowen as Wayne undid the cuffs from my hands.

She nodded and walked out.

"Thanks Wayne," I said.

"Hey kid," he said. "Tig's a lot of things but he would never hurt your girl."

"I know," I said. "My moms just upset that I don't see Clay as my dad."

"How could you? You were sixteen when JT died," he said.

"Exactly," I said. He led me out to where my ride home was waiting.

"Mama," Ava cheered as she ran over to me. I picked her up and smiled at her as I hugged her tightly.

"Ava, I love you," I said.

"I love you too Mama," she said.

"Did you have a good day?" I asked.

"Uncle Jax let me help him at TM and then we had ice cream and we watched cartoons with Uncle Happy," she said.

"Happy?" I asked as Tig wrapped his arms around me and kissed my head.

"Nomad," Jax said. "Came down to help with some club stuff."

I nodded. "I hope you've fed her."

"We had PB&J for lunch," Jax said proudly. I chuckled at him as I turned to Tig and kissed his lips quickly.

"I'm off two weeks no pay. Stipulation of the charges dropping," I said.

"Yeah, I figured," he said. "We've had enough excitement for one day but tomorrow I have a surprise for you both."

"Sure," I said. "But right now I just want some dinner and to go to bed."

They all agreed so we headed to grab some dinner at the diner before heading back to Jax's place. Once we were there, Tig headed out on his bike for his own place.

Samantha Teller || A Tig Trager Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now