Dreams: 1/21/21 - 1/23/21

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I was running around this darken town. I was trying to find my friends, IDV Andrew and Victor, to which I did. I found them in an underground cave system dying. I was dying myself and figured we could spend our last moments together. I like to think I was Luca in this scenario.

I was out on a lake with some friends. Our boat was pulled by some decent size creatures. We were looking for something that was ghostly related. I saw a hippo like creature, and a herd of herbivore crocodiles. They had soft mouths like a friendly snake.

I was in a forest that seemed more 2D in nature. I see a Japanese lady in a kimono walking down a path I didn't see. Everything is dark except where the lady's fan icon is; there's a narrator somewhere explaining what I'm seeing. The lady is a Yokai of sorts, and due to the wispy lines you can see in the dark I'll say she's probably blind. These fan icons even have eye patterns. She's just following the path until she starts following humanoid figures. She's not hurting them; simply absorbing their thoughts as she passes by. The more figures she passes by, the more clearer the place looks and with some color. I've went from looking down on this yokai to becoming this woman at this point. The narrator is still going and explaining what is happening. I'm no longer in a 2D forest, but in a 3D town hearing the thoughts of all the people. Apparently the whole town was supernatural in nature; 2 elderly ladies were werewolves and were barking at each other about something. The narrator told me as I continued on my way.

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