Dream Log: 8/2/21 - 8/8/21

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I was in my camper; hosting a slight cookout inside as the landlord was making sure all my things worked. Then I'm in a house or garage with my nana. We're talking about Family Guy; she likes it and I could care less. I think back to this old Little Audrey short where she goes to this candy land.

I was in a forest with a family. They were on a camping trip, but this forest was very weird. The animals were very intelligent. Apparently, due to Daffy Duck's research, it was because of point A, A, A. Surrounded by craved hearts and an origin kind of deal. They animals were actually cool to talk with compared to the humans. Especially since I got whooshed to a restaurant. Everyone was very judgmental about what I grabbed as food; it was 2 massive wraps that I didn't even touch.

I helped bring rain to a desert's train station. Then I had to deal with some kids like I was in some prison yard; dance off style where surprisingly I had rhythm. Then I was at my grandma's looking through my things. Then I had to use the bathroom and it was was taking a long time. I pissed myself. Then I'm somewhere else trying to think of my ultimate Pokémon team; 3 were grass types of sorts.

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