Dreams: 4/21/21 - 4/24/21

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I was locked in a place. It felt like a school at first but it became more secret government building of danger. The school bit played more like a horror game called Toliette and you had to use fanarts of her to keep her away from you. There was this ghost that looked like she had cuffs on her wrists and ankles while looking like a mess. She looked rained on, brown with bits of red, and overall gross. She disappeared after getting a picture. Then I'm walking around to which the place changed. There's the Ao Oni, a weasel/snake hybrid, and a guy in a bunny costume that almost feels like the Animal Crossing Easter bunny. I was collecting these bulky items; nearly ran into the Oni while he was washing his hands. I wasn't alone in all of this either, a girl and I think another boy? I apparently did a backstab kill on the bunny since he was targeting me. He's also the one who spoke. He called me "the fun one, the backstabbing one, and the boring one." I had locked myself in my old room from the Shelbyville house. I knew I was a gonna die so I woke up. Going right back to sleep, I'm visiting some family living in Uncle Chris's house. It's somewhat wrapped but still easy to navigate. I was keeping an eye on the 3 kids in the front yard when a car proceeded to go into the driveway and hit one of our cars. They drive off, got into another, dragged that other car back into our driveway and get out of the other car. It looks like a spoiled frat boy twink of a father and his son. Family comes out and see the damage. The father proceeds to go back into his car, and drive over the smallest child! Never before did I yanked someone out of a car so fast. The poor boy he ran over obviously had injuries because I did see blood. But I grabbed that man's shirt to make him stay.

I was a technician or impersonating one? I just remember being at a box that needed a multitude of keys just to get it open. It happen to be near my mailbox too. However something spooked me and I had to rush out of there. On my way back, I saw a bucket of buttons that I found interesting. There was something else happening, I wanna say disappearances. Then I'm at some gas station/ food joint with a character. He ordered some food, had his "wife" join him, and then proceeded to do something weird for free food. I couldn't even begin to start on how it was weird.

I was in a Minecraft world; one with cities and whatnot. I could hear a conversation between Dream and a few others, but from what I could gather was them getting info for another role play. Then I'm Hal from Megamind flying and staring at Roxanne. All the way down to the moment where she does the clue art part. Bit uncomfortable with this POV.

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