Dream Log: 9/11/21 - 9/14/21

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I was out in the middle of nowhere with this family. I was slightly feral for I managed to scare one of my brothers into thinking I was a pitbull . I also wore a mask from a pot and had some stuff on hand. Then I ran into town; I saw a lot of sleeping babies. Then I was in the sky. Some people were trying to making a neighborhood up there. Then I'm in this goblin town. It was very dark and dull in color; I did see a few shadow people there.

I was out in this clearing; the type that a camp could sit on. I saw a creature made of dolls, fabric, and thread. It was gentle with new dolls as they were added to its body. There were 7 faces to it, yet it spoke with 3 voices. It was captured till I opened the door to the cage. Then I was with my dad and some guy. Dad was weird; giving the guy, who I assume is a friend of mine, loincloths and persistent in doing my hair a certain way. My hair was long enough to be thrown in a pigtail, and dad wanted me to have this fish braid look to it. He also told me about some dude having some disturbing videos of me as a kid. The area had transformed into my Dad's old room at some point. Then I'm near a field with a river or lake. My family is sad and looked so different. Their ethnicities had changed to Latino of some kind. Something had happened to where they were upset with me; easily fixable since I was able to cheer up my grandmother.

At first, I was in a town like Halloween Town. It was Halloween and a massive party was happening. I was cleaning up blood at my house. Then I'm in a ghost town playing hide and seek with these 2 guys. I appear in this hotel where it seem apocalyptic, and I needed to get food for this yeti family. Then, as I'm waking up, I hear a story about a baby Tommyinnit getting blessed by 3 gods who happened to be Philza, Wilbur, and Techno.

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