Dreams: 4/1/21 - 4/6/21

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I was on this ride or transportation. It was small with two carts are not a lot of seats. My family is spilt between the carts; Aunt Marie and Nana are in one and Dad, Papa, and I are in the other. I did swap between the carts to see what was happening. Well, I found out that we were traveling in space, because shit went down pretty quick. There was a few people who disappeared into thin air, saw a child get teleported outside the cart into some nerve-looking trees(?), and I believe a few people deformed when we did a hyper jump.

I was chilling before I got a call. I was planning on going back to Shelbyville yet the voice on the phone told me that it's not the same anymore. Upon arrival, it looked dead. The only sources of life was in these odd birds and the occasional monster. The birds looked like a pigeon and crow had an unfortunate child that was lost it's feathers on the body portion. The monsters just looked like childish scribbles. Everything played out like a pixelated RPG. Bodies of the deceased were littered everywhere. Then I'm talking with my Dad. I was talking to Dad on important things while having 5 other kids tell the same joke. We seem to be just fine in our talk. Then I'm in this tower on its own planet. I'm Hansel with my my sister Gretel. We are trying to keep this cake or book away from this lady and man. He disappears much like a shadow, however he could only be summoned by the lady when she speaks into a blacken mirror. He almost caught us, but because I was cute or childish, he didn't. He left us alone with the cake.

This place was dark. Almost like a starless night type of dark yet you can still see everything. Also looked like Shelbyville's park. I was helping this one legged girl with this mystery or curse. Something involving collecting items to fill out. I was trying to find everything I could. There was a little league baseball game happening nearby, so it was rather difficult trying to collect little pink exclamation marks and blue items. One of the parents got temporarily possessed, and I was having to swan dive into the girl's memories.

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