Dream Log: 9/15/21 - 9/19/21

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I was a ghost at this farmhouse. I don't remember dying, but I do remember having a Dweller cube. I wasn't the only ghost for there was a girl but she was more "been there, done that" about things. There was this boy living with his grandfather in the farmhouse, and the boy seem to enjoy the paranormal. He couldn't see nor hear us; more like me since the other ghost wasn't really caring. I did show myself briefly by closing my eyes and focus on the task. He saw a space like ghost. He seemed excited and wanted to help; even got the other ghost motivated. We had to made a dweller cube for the boy with was almost like Katamari Damacy, except there wasn't rolling but more like puzzle piecing. Then I find myself  hiding under a table with those creepy Walten Files animatronics, specifically saw the clown, wandering around. Whenever one of the animatronics we're about to find my hiding spot, I would teleport to hiding place like a trunk.

At first I was somewhere where they was ice yet you weren't slipping around. I saw Philza and I believe Wilbur there; though I was more focused on my song. I was humming Six's song from Little Nightmares while breaking the ice. Then I was in a room with my cousin. There was a story about a lady; one that could kill you if she sneaks into your room. Well, we were getting hungry so I made the dumb(?) move to climb out the window. Nothing happened but I did see the lady halfway out of her grave. She appeared to just be a girl that was trapped in a certain distance; she was the one to tell me the story. I got chips and went back to the room. I told my cousin, yet I still kept the door shut. I wasn't taking chances.

I was in Dead Bird Studios, only it was more confusing and twisted. I had to stop things from crashing and actually killing people twice. Then I'm at my granny's house having to bury my Papa in the backyard. This part is disorienting since I believe we also dug his grave to get him out as well then put him back in. Then I'm on a train or bus with other people. The ones near me seem nice; though I wasn't sure if I was pregnant(as a guy) or someone else was. I did think of France; possibly because of my sketch book with me.

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