Dream Log: 11/23/21 - 11/26/21

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I was raiding this store for cherry coke with my friends; place was long since abandoned. Then I was watching a funny TF2 video involving shenanigans.

I was a little boy; possibly the human version of Wall•E but with white hair. I was wandering around but this lady assumed I was lost. She went through great links to try and get whoever my parents were. She even made cards with a brief description of me. I wandered off for some reason which led to outside. I was definitely on a space ship similar to the one in Wall•E. Though I did fall off the ship only to reappear back on the ship. During that fall, I wasn't scared.

I seem to change the more I was walking around this mall. Saw some old faces from  high school. I couldn't really tell what was happening in this mall, and I was just walking around looking. Then I go to few my cousins and see their house is under attack by clowns. If the clowns painted you, you froze in place and all color is striped from you. Somehow we managed to get rid of them before my cousins and I become the Simpsons kids. We took a bus that drove backwards and over a food square like some roller coaster.

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