Dream Log: 10/28/21 - 11/2/21

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I appeared in this school? I don't actually know where I was, but I do know that it was very low-poly graphic grey. Something occurred and the floor started to flood; I had to find something to unlock the next door. I didn't find it and the water was rising pretty quickly. However I was able to no clip and fly out in time to see the robot red light, green light girl from Squid Game crashing everything. It was odd to see her in smashing everything into floating polys in a monochromatic way.

I remember being in some weird neighborhood where I only saw one house and parts of it were floating. I also remember having long hair that was filled with bugs, and that I was shaking them all out. I also wore my glow in the dark moon earrings but they seem brighter than normal. I believe something was chasing me since I did climb the house. Then I was out shopping with my family at some semi abandoned shopping mall. I wandered off to see a cool plaid, turquoise shirt with purple pockets that would be far too big on me. Then I saw an interesting sculpture. It showed a little man and his family; you could somewhat peek into his house. On the back, you can spin 4 different sections of the piece. I don't remember what the other 3 had on the back, but one of the sections was space and the cosmos. It left just the man; you can spin his head for a different look though. It shows an time lapse look for the man. I couldn't really focus too much on it since my dad dragged me to this man with a box of eggs. The eggs hatched into baby sea turtles; I want to saw maybe a dozen. They saw me like a mom, or at least one did. However these little ones could glide if you tossed them into the air much like what the man did. I remember a crunch between my teeth before looking down to see part of a turtle shell. Now the weird part about all of this is when we got to the mall, it was dark, there was some outdoor show happening that reminds me of Disney and Sky, but when Dad had dragged me outside to the turtle man, it was like noon or afternoon bright.

I was in my workplace parking lot. I was watching a girl nearly work herself to death over a boiling cauldron. Her friend was even worried. I took a look at the book she was using and it looked like it would belong in The Owl House show. I felt like this work was for me; I was human in a world of monsters. Then I'm at a place where Hagrid is caring for some hybrid kids in a safe haven on a mini cliff over a lake; the cliff looked more like some flower pot. I was drawing a magic circle that I saw for somewhere; feeling uneasy and worried about everyone in the house. I then find myself in a car with Hagrid driving and it surprises me since I was expecting him to be knocked out like everyone else. Something had occurred where everyone would fall asleep yet I'm not effected; it was definitely Moon vs Sun type of magic.

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