Dream Log: 9/6/21 - 9/10/21

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I was moving around all over the place. I saw all my half siblings but as teens; hugged them. Then I found myself on a rooftop committing murder on a couple who was hurting their son. Only to be on what I can only say an airship with a few characters; one being Sir Pentious. He and this wolf guy kept getting into scuffles as if they were siblings themselves. He also said something about being anemic and wore a rather cute sweater. I was mostly on a bed with Osomatsu San sheets trying to figure out which sibling I would most likely be. Out of that, I did see more baby Todomatsu and princess Karamatsu.

I was on this island. I wasn't alone, but I had preferred the company of a lion or crocodile than people. I played with the animal in some ruins that were halfway submerged. I kept feeding him Doritos since I was finding bags of them; he seem to enjoy the nacho ones.

I followed a boy who looked a lot like IDV Andrew to the cemetery. There was a few others in the group, one being an Angel of sorts. The group was the mentioned Angel, a big dude, the kid, a girl with pigtails, and me. He showed us a particular set of tombs that could lift up showing a passage. Going down, we get to underground bath, would be public and covered in 19th century art of holy symbols deal. It was obviously left to either be hush hush or abandoned. Upon getting the bath ready for the 5 of us, I get a flashback to the Andrew kid coming to the pigtailed girl, she had the pink anime style hair, instead of the Angel. Her name started with a T. We all get cleaned while I think about the exchange I saw. The Angel could definitely fight, and the big dude with blonde hair probably had a thing for the girl.

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