Dream Log: 12/21/21 - 12/26/21

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I was living in a Acadia village by the sea. My dad and cousins had come over and wanted me to come with. I didn't want to but had no real way of telling them lightly. I saw that they brought this bowl that was special though it was hidden under some steps. I also had the ability to grow into a giant; my family did try to tickle me at one point. Just as my family was about to head out with me in tow, they assumed I was going, the village is suddenly under attack by these ugly bird people. All because of a bowl.

I was in this classroom with some friends; I felt different though I don't know how. It was clearly not a normal human classroom either, but the teacher didn't seem to mind. Though this one girl went on how I was not supposed to be there; again teacher didn't care. Then I find my class outside by a pool. Something happens and I see my friend get bit by a sea monster. She turned into one and growled at the creature before it disappeared. Then I find myself flying like in the Owl House. Luz is bored so she's talking up a storm to the staff she's riding on and it can talk. It looks like a mixture of a bat and a red bird; it spoke about how we all would think comes after death. Luz was uncomfortable with the topic but I listened; we just landed on a cliff side with a hit surrounded by vines that birds sat on. It was very high up as some clouds were below up. The staff imagines his afterlife as being a hologram wherever.

I can remember that we where in this place that had layers. The utmost top level was off limits. It was slightly confusing as it wasn't roped off or had signs. The place felt like being in a lighthouse but bigger. It may have been a house as there were multiple ways to get to rooms, but converted to a museum of sorts. Or just a tour location. Then I in front of these doors; all leading to different afterlives. For some reason I was Bart Simpson and a good chuck of people were chasing me. I had this key, which looked like the Metro symbol, that could open 2 of the doors. Those people wanted my key. I went into the game afterlife; just meant my life will act like a game to some degree. I played with this computer where you had a turn dial, find the signal, and buttons. The graphics were all retro and green it was kinda difficult to play. Then I'm playing this beauty game with a girl as my model. I did look up to see an empty car spinning in circles and running into things.

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