Dreams: 5/7/21 - 5/9/21

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I was in this Minecraft world with a few others. Corpse and Sykkuno were there as well. There was a brief moment where I was playing a mini game with this lady, except she was not right in the head. She had a niece who wanted freedom. She also said that if her niece found a boyfriend, she was going to take him. Married woman saying she'll married a boy that loves her niece. Yikes. The lady also had a pet rat. However, in terms of artistic godlike ability, I redrew a different part of her world to where that lady was trapped. Going back to the Minecraft world for a bit, one of the others had turned into Roadhog. To which I had to blow up the little dirt hut to get him out; he was fine afterwards.

I remember being on a type of submarine ride with the digital screens everywhere. There were sounds of sorts; maybe a story. Then I was walking around and found a technoblade keychain. Then I'm having to do this lookout thing in this massive mountain area without a map. Even after I found some people, we were all then forced into cages. Luckily we were saved. Though thinking more about the people I found, they weren't human yet it didn't matter until the lab people put us in the cages.

I was taking a test in my high school cafeteria. It was very uncomfortable and I was not paying attention to a good portion of it. It was a mixture of every subject at once. Didn't help there were distractions like me tasting this coffee creamer and it tasted bad. I wasn't able to finish. I did see another thing that caught my attention; a storyline between two aliens. But I was more curious as to why the girl was called a boy and vise versa.

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