Dream Log: 6/9/21 - 6/13/21

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The world was sorta Minecraft like. I did see a few people going against this massive, more realistic spider. I did teleport somewhere; some underground kingdom for mice. All the mice looked like the Brain anyway, including this massive one that just towers over everything. I did hear someone say something about a set of events and what I should do in those events.

I wanted to go somewhere fun. I'm walking around this tunnel maze, overhearing some guys talk about a fun place with the excitement of kids. I get to this room with 4 other guys. We started talking about the different rabbits like the Trix rabbit, until the game started. I was confused but went on my way. I'm suddenly joined by Kamryn and Joseph and they are being followed by this smiling guy. The guy looked old and mental; he was in a hospital gown. Joseph and I briefly talked about Halloween masks. Halloween masks were needed and I apparently had some. In a series of walls and gates, this man chased us with a chainsaw. I kept climbing over the gates and walls because I could. I had the Michael Myers mask with me.

I was at a store. An event was about to happen, though it was crashed. 6 other people and I were to dress as Villains. One was Chucky, another was Ursula, another was Maleficent, but I don't remember what mine was. I never saw the others either. We had some sort of magic to us, getting candy was something we had all looked forward to. We tried combining two of the villain items to fight whoever crashed the event. There was someone that looked like Black Goku, but I'm not sure if they were just another villain or the crasher.

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