Dream Log: 6/14/21 - 6/16/21

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I was on a luxurious looking ship. It was abandoned but not broken. I was exploring with a woman. The ship was alive, or at least the door was magical. The whole had that purple and light blue scheme but make it look like impressionist art. The door was snooty but tolerable. Then I was having to play as some bodyguard friend for this anime guy. He was being chased by this girl; she didn't speak but she was quick. Then 2 other guys crashed into her. The guy I was protecting disappeared as my attention was on the others.

I was in a call with both Liv and Wizerd. I was going to go to Disney, or something of that nature, and was asking them what I should wear. I also wanted a small instrument like a ukulele or one of those mini pianos that you have to play using mainly your thumbs.

At first, I was watching over an incubated baby for this lady. Then I'm dead somehow, only to comeback as someone different. There were other people, but none were recognizable. I did feel sorry for this one girl as she was with a man that probably hurt her. I did see some flowers line the rafters, they were the white lilies. Maybe I was connected to the plants?

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