Dream Log: 10/3/21 - 10/6/21

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I was like Luca; could become a fish man when in water. I lived in darker places because my neighbors(?) were this monstrous looking creatures mostly tentacles with a human face. But when I was on the surface, I saw 3 people robbing from some innocents and no justice. I had tracked them down to their workplace, a pharmacy I think, and proceeded to keep them cornered the best I can. There's a memory gap and I'm suddenly surrounded. However now I'm not alone as there was another family I think that was like me. They were advanced in the sense of they had created many cool things. A pill shaped AI that could teleport you by climbing in, a rocket suit that worn sends you into space in seconds, and a inventory bar that could be drawn in the air were some of their creations. My older sister however was able to form fireballs. I just ended up in the ocean dealing with spider webs and itchy grass while my buddy doesn't seem to bothered by it.

I was heading over to my old apartment to find a lot of my stuff; I was worried with how much I essentially left behind. But it seemed find as a friend lived in the apartment. Then everything changed to a more Adventure Time like style. This human girl in a striped blue shirt, a comedically long pink scarf, and black hair in small pigtails was having a conversation with a supposed robber. It seem like the mood was ruin and some way and he was comforting her. She goes back to a castle or mansion as a night-skinned boy that sounds like Finn. He sees her and scoops her up. He tossed her in a comedically large bird that connects to a screen and microscope. The scope shows something crying and the night boy just puts something alive and happy in an overflowing container. Eventually the container starts to be emptied though a tube into the cage; 5 mini mine carts filled and emptied. 5 night skinned  creatures pop out through a door at the bottom of the cage. One was different while the other 4 seem to be clones of one another. The first one had bunny legs and could speak, but the other 4 could fly and long hair covering their eyes. They carry the speaking one off.

At first, I was in a store/Walmart. However there was an incident that I had to be the last person alive. I didn't want to kill anyone but I did try to go after this one kid with a gun and snap his neck. Then I'm in some tilted room with a lot of Harry Potter vibes and that place was getting attacked. I did see Bowser running around. I did hear it be mentioned that I had a demon heart; guessing rare or something strong.

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