Dream Log: 7/8/21 - 7/10/21

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I was at this school; it was a massive one that could take every grade. I was watching over this little girl. Sorta neglecting my own studies in the process. However, I found out that the girl's adoptive mother was either a cultist, a hitman, or serial killer. The girl found out but wasn't too bothered by it. She did have a pet dog; one of those small ones. Then I'm whooshed onto a spaceship.

I was teleporting all over the place, but I mainly stayed in this bedroom. I would have my phone out with some recording feature. There was a ghost or shadow that would get closer and closer. I caught it moving a door that was adjacent to mine, with a shadow hand being seen. It did get super close to me; crawling on the wall that was close to my bed. It was a small, impish one when I briefly saw its form on the wall. I also had a kitten, it tried to get it.

I was in this supernatural mall. Kinda seemed like a town with how big and decorated it was. Looks really fun; I didn't like the bugs though. Even though I was briefly a frog, these robot bees kept bothering me! Smack one, you suddenly get 3 or 4 smaller robot bees. I did see my friends Kamryn and TeaBee there.

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