Dream Log: 9/1/21 - 9/5/21

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I was moving to a small apartment in a Russian like neighborhood. Only add that dystopian flare to everything. I get there and this security guard was being very friendly in making me dishes. It was weird when the roof of my apartment is lifted up and a huge woman is staring down. She wanted me to do some rather stupid paperwork because of some crazy man; it was nearly covered in names and dates. She was also coming to check on me. Then I'm in this place in what I can only say is a mountain race track. A massive shark man starts chasing me; which is kinda bull that he can swim in both water and earth with ease. Then I flew. I was soaring pass the clouds and was much faster than him. I even clipped out of the map towards the end briefly. It was at this point I knew I was a TF2 Scout as I grabbed onto the RED bottle.

I was trapped on an island. I wasn't all panicky or anything like the some of the others. The place was surrounded by whales; they listened to one man. He was like a father figure of sorts. However, he was picking out people to go and mutant them. Like this one little, cute, and yellow dude was lured in with the idea of a bath to make his fur extra yellow and a king's scepter had turned him into Melting from Nuclear Throne. Then I was briefly talking to my coworker about dreams and their meanings, and she said that Pandas mean danger. Then I'm right back on this island trying to see who would be next.

I was originally in an okayish place. Then I'm in this dark place; I wanna say a mall. Sitting in a chair, I remember seeing a dark figure coming up to me. It was the Lemon Demon from FNF but more creepy! I hurriedly put a bag on my head; it had some weird 3D glasses glow effect. It also had 1 eye hole, however it didn't effect my vision. I saw the madness in his now glowing eyes, however he looked confused. I was invisible to him. I walked around the mall, and there are more people. I still have the bag on my head and the far to happy people are minding my business. There was a moment where I had the bag off, and they seemed agitated. I quickly put the bag back on before I could be attacked. Strangely enough, I wasn't the only one who had to use such a protection. Though mine was an entire bag. Getting out with 2 girls, I realize that the happier people never came out.

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